Travel to Prehistory with "Prehistoric Park"

Most children are fascinated by dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals. So big, so fierce, almost out of a story. Fabulous beings that populated the Earth millions of years ago. It is an incredible world that until now could be accessed through toys or books. However, computer animation now makes it possible to see dinosaurs that seem totally alive and real.

I love this series and have had a good time watching it. Looks like you can touch the dinosaurs. Summer is coming and it is difficult to deny children a good movie. Far from the alternatives of action and violence we can see with them, and by the way learn many things also we with these adventures, which mix stories and documentary.

In the series Prehistoric park, Nigel Marven, zoologist and adventurer, will go back to Prehistory to rescue these creatures on the verge of extinction. His plan is to bring them to the security of the present and give them a second chance. Thanks to an imaginary machine called Portal del Tiempo, Nigel and his team travel to the farthest past on Earth and return to the present having saved mammoths, triceratops, tyrannosaurs and many other extinct species. All these animals coexist in a new gigantic zoo adapted to their needs: Prehistoric park.

Children will enjoy with these videos, very vivid, exciting and fun, learning at the same time about Earth History and respect for Nature. Adults can also have a great time contemplating them with our children and then helping them to find the information to solve the doubts that may arise. It is not a bad option for the hottest times of the day.

Official site | Prehistoric Park, Impossible Picture More information | DVD zone

Video: Creative Writing Idea: Time Travel to Prehistoric Ages (June 2024).