Vegetables to accompany the snack of the kids

In our desire to comply with the recommendation of five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, we must manage so that these foods are not lacking in each meal. But many times we focus on the fruit as a dessert for lunch and snack of the children, forgetting the vegetables.

Vegetables are a great accompaniment to the snack for lunch or snack, either between bread, or apart. Putting on the bread a few slices of tomato and lettuce will give freshness and flavor to the sandwich, along with the olive oil and the ingredient they want: ham, tortilla, cooked turkey ...

But we can also choose to take the vegetables apart, that they are well preserved in an airtight container, such as a cucumber, a hammerhead, a carrot… that peeled and washed are kept until they are consumed by the child, if we make sure that Be dry before storing.

A good handful of cherry tomatoes Washings also last perfectly for a while until it is time for lunch or snack.

These are our favorite vegetables to change accompaniment of the healthiest snacks, and also as snacks, and of course in salads. Cutting the vegetables into sticks or making unusual shapes makes fun dishes. In this way we add a ration of vegetables a day.

Remember combining different fruits and vegetables at meals It is not so difficult to reach the recommended amount of five servings of vegetables a day and we complete a healthy menu. If from small children they get used to vegetables, there will be no problem in putting them on even for school.

Video: 4 Easy 3-Ingredient Vegetable Side Dishes (June 2024).