Stories of mothers: "My biggest adventure: being a mom"

Since we started with the publication of the mothers stories that our readers are sending us we have shared beautiful and exciting maternity adventures, some overcoming many difficulties, such as being a very young mother, or alone, or after the loss of a pregnancy, but today's story is a story of unconditional and complete love , not only from a mother to her son, but also from a man towards her partner and her desire to become a mother and devote herself fully to it.

Since I was a young girl I have always had something very clear, and it was that I wanted to be a mom, something that after a long time I could have been. Now I feel fulfilled. The history of his conception is somewhat complex, but I remember it with joy. My husband is divorced and from his previous relationship he already has two older children. That was a challenge, since he already had children and didn't want more. To make matters worse, after the birth of his second son, he had a vasectomy, so it was more difficult to get my dream. After many talks and the occasional tear, not to mention that many, and with much love, my husband gave me the most beautiful proof of love, to re-operate to create a new family together. The miracle worked and 3 months after the operation I became pregnant. That moment in which I saw two pink lines drawn on a "predictor" was magical, full of fears and doubts that gradually disappeared. My belly grew at the same time that my love for Hugo became stronger. I imagined his face, spoke to him, cried when I felt happy. The day of his birth was the best day of my life, the delivery was slow, but my desire to have it in my arms made all my ills disappear. Since I could feel his little body next to mine, 20 months have passed and I still shudder to feel it next to me. After twelve years of relationship with my husband, I now feel that if we are a family, thanks to him, for giving me the opportunity to be what I am, to dedicate myself to what I do best: being a mother.

In our society they almost crush us with the idea of ​​the realization of women in the professional field, as if other facets of femininity were hardly valuable, but, without wanting to downplay the importance of professional development or economic independence, which are very respectably values that many women defend and appreciate as enormously important in their lives, I have been moved by the testimony of Lydia, who always knew that she wanted to feel complete being a mother and now considers that she feels fulfilled by having achieved it.

I identify myself immensely with Lydia, not because of her complicated path to motherhood, in my case it is because of this clear and clear affirmation of her enormous joy and her feeling of personal fulfillment as a mother. We are not retrograde, nor are we limited to ourselves, we are free women who decide how we feel happy, without judging who finds other paths, but safe and aware of being fully realized when choosing.

The mothers stories Our readers have meant for us, the editors of Babies and more, a way to get closer to the readers and share with them this exciting adventure of motherhood that, although sometimes hard, fills us with happiness.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).