Child stress related to mental disorders in adulthood

We have already seen on several occasions how childhood stress can affect the health of children, either by damaging their brain, producing allergies and other complications derived from this excess of activities or changes in their family environment.

So, this study by German researchers offers us some conclusions that were expected: adults who are being treated for mental disorders have had higher levels of stress in their childhood than people without psychiatric problems.

The research has been published in the latest issue of BMC Psychiatry and has been developed comparing the childhood experiences of 96 people who suffer severe depression, schizophrenia, drug addiction or having personality disorders, and 31 adults without psychiatric problems.

The negative experiences that the subjects lived when they were less than 6 years old and during puberty affected everyone to a greater or lesser degree, and it was concluded that patients with psychiatric disorders are more negatively affected by stress at an early age.

So it's never too late to stop to think about the emotional health of our children, also thinking about the future, always trying to achieve well-being and stability as much as possible.

Video: New Mental Disorders for Children & Adults, Psychiatry and DSM V (July 2024).