The second child, advantages and disadvantages

When you decide to have a second child, you are showing that the experience of motherhood is very satisfactory and as a gift, you will receive twice the joys that it provides.

Being the second pregnancy the mother is more prepared because she already knows what awaits her, this will make the nine months more calm and relaxed, without the concerns of certain aspects unknown for a first time.

You will have the opportunity to re-experience the unique sensations and feelings that pregnancy and childbirth grant. Creating a life is a wonderful thing, but having your baby in your womb, inviting him to meet his little brother and his parents and enjoying the things that life gives, does not fall short.

If the little brothers take a short time, the effort to educate and move them forward will be concentrated and then you can enjoy with your partner more time, also the older brother will find an ally, a playmate and why not, a confidant. Though there are also certain disadvantages that can obfuscate this decision, because if your first pregnancy was complicated, you may feel fears that are difficult to control.

Children, in addition to giving joys, give a lot of work and naturally, if you have two children, you will have twice as much work to do, in food, hygiene, etc. The expenses are also doubled, although if they are the same sex you can save something on clothes.

The firstborn does not always take the arrival of a little brother well, he knows that he will no longer be the center of attention, that he will have much to share and what to do without, so his behavior can change to the worse by showing jealousy or bad behaviors.

If with a child you have little time for yourself and your partner, with two things also get worse, it will not be so easy for grandparents to stay with them if they do not feel the necessary strength.

These are some of the advantages and disadvantages that each family should value but never put into relevance. The balance always weighs more towards the positive side, a child always enriches the family.

Video: When to plan for second baby? Advantages & Disadvantages of having Second baby in Tamil (July 2024).