A life for Carlos

Today I learned about a story that moved me and I felt the need to spread it in case someone can contribute their grain of sand. It is the story of Carlos, a 6-year-old boy from Zaragoza who was diagnosed in February with a terrible disease, adrenoleukodystrophy.

It is a hereditary genetic disease, a rare disease that affects 1 in 50,000 births. It is characterized by the accumulation of fatty acids in the brain and adrenal glands causing them to stop functioning and serious consequences such as loss of sight, hearing, mental retardation, lack of mobility and gradually enter into a coma until death one or two years after diagnosis.

This could happen to Carlos if he fails to be operated urgently for a bone marrow transplant.. In July they have done the last resonance and told him that a period of 6 months, that is, between 2 and 3 months from now, the disease would begin to have physical effects and there will be nothing left to do.

In Spain, no hospital wants to risk operating it, so you must go to a hospital in Minnesota (United States) whose cost is 700,000 euros. As it would happen to anyone, the family cannot assume such an expense and goes to the solidarity of all to make it possible.

When we learn about these tragedies, we cannot help thanking the fate of having healthy children and praying that they always are. Just imagining myself in the skin of these parents causes me deep anguish.

In these cases, time is money. Therefore, if you want to collaborate in some way so that Carlos can undergo treatment as soon as possible, you can enter the web where various ways of doing so appear.

Video: Descendants 3: The Heartbreaking Backstory Behind Carlos (July 2024).