Choose the most appropriate musical instrument

Music education is very suitable for children, because develops multiple skills and constitutes a rich source of emotions. With a musician in the family, we often talk about the instrument that our daughters will play. I jokingly replied that the triangle, which is easy, does not take up space or sound too much.

But how to choose the most appropriate instrument for our children? The key is in Let them decide what their musical instrument is. For this, the boy or girl must have already verified that he likes music and wants to continue studying.

The child chooses his musical instrument

Among five-year-olds and eight-year-olds, when musical learning progresses and becomes more complex, piano, flute and guitar continue to occupy the top positions in the particular list of children's choices, although there are always those He prefers the violin, trumpet or any other orchestra instrument.

Many times it is the parents who want this or that instrument for our children, because it is what we play, we would like to play, is the one who plays our idol or how it sounds. However, it is not recommended that parental preferences be imposed in the choice of one instrument or another.

It is best to be objective and inform us, let them see that all instruments are important, the qualities of each other ...

As we say, the best is Let the child choose What do you want to learn to play? It does not hurt that the parents or the teacher advise and guide the decision, but the last decision must be of the interpreter. In this way we ensure that the student's first relationship with the instrument is motivated.

If the child has doubts, the opinion and advice of the teachers can be fundamental, and we have to think about the possibility of receiving some classes of the candidate instruments.

Other factors to consider

Having the basis for choosing the most appropriate instrument, we cannot deny that there are other “practical” factors that we must also take into account.

The purchase of a musical instrument sometimes involves a considerable financial outlay. Other options are the second-hand market and the loans that we can request among acquaintances or in the music schools themselves.

For don't regret unnecessary expensesBefore buying the instrument, it is preferable to make sure that the child really wants to learn to play it and shows a real interest in a particular instrument.

On the contrary, taking advantage of a gift or the old instrument that grandparents have can also be a mistake, since it may not be the instrument desired by the little one.

The study options would be another variable to consider, since it exists from the possibility of small music schools, large conservatories or private classes, with the availability of one or the other in each area.

The physiognomy of the child It is another factor to consider. Height is not decisive for the first steps, because children have much to grow. In addition, there are small-sized instruments for the little ones, which are being replaced by larger ones as they grow.

It is common for the center to have instruments of these sizes for the loan or exchange.

Finally, there is the logistics issue we have to keep in mind: do we have room at home for a piano, a harp or a double bass? Also in this regard to the need to move to receive classes, we must add the need to transport the instrument. The older ones can hardly be transported by the child until he grows up on occasions when he cannot take advantage of the instruments of the study center.

The piano case is special, because the possibility of making music together is limited and chamber music written for him is too difficult for the elementary grade, although there is more and more adapted repertoire. In this case we hardly talk about transfer, and the problem will arise in vacations or in the cases of children who spend time in different houses.

In short, if we inform ourselves well, we know the instruments and make our children know them, giving them time to become familiar with the music, they will make the decision to choose the most appropriate musical instrument.

Video: Choosing the Right Musical Instrument to Study (July 2024).