Smoking in pregnancy affects the thyroid

Smoking in pregnancy affects the thyroid. It is revealed by a new study recently presented and that will be fully published in February by the specialized journal Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

The study presented indicates that smoking in pregnancy is associated with potentially harmful changes in the thyroid function, both in the mother and in the fetus.

Work has revealed that smoking is related to abnormal levels of thyroid hormone in pregnant women. For this study, women have been chosen in the first and third trimester of pregnancy, so it is pointed out that the influence of tobacco occurs throughout the entire pregnancy. The thyroid dysfunctions during pregnancy they can produce risk of abortion and premature birth, low weight and neurophysiological development problems in the baby.

Umbilical cord samples from babies of smoking mothers have also been studied and symptoms of thyroid function deterioration were found in them, so it is concluded that tobacco directly influences the fetus. And the negative consequences on your health can be very serious.

Finally, the study reveals that mothers who quit tobacco returned to normal levels of thyroid function quickly. If the adverse effects of tobacco in this particular aspect are reversible, it is convenient to decide to leave the cigarette as soon as possible. This study gives us one more reason not to smoke in pregnancy.

Video: Understanding Autoimmune Thyroid Disease (July 2024).