Working shifts is a risk in pregnancy

Working shifts is a work risk in pregnancy. This has been indicated by the Occupational Risk Prevention Guide published by the School of Occupational Medicine of the Carlos III Health Institute. The problem is especially pronounced in mothers who carry out their professional activity in the health field, as they usually have long work shifts and include nights or guards.

Pregnancy is not a disease, of course, but it involves physiological and psychological changes that may not be compatible with some aspects of normal work. For this reason, in case of pregnancy, it is necessary to assess with great care that it must be adapted in the labor exercise so that neither the mother nor the fetus takes unnecessary risks. Tiredness and lack of rest are one of the fundamental points, as are handling materials or hazardous substances or having to carry weight.

The Guide recommends that, once the pregnancy is confirmed, the worker communicates it to the Occupational Risk Prevention Service, so that it is clear that her work does not involve any risk to mother, child or breastfeeding. In case of problems, the woman has the right to the necessary changes in her work shift or in the conditions in which she develops it. This Guide is the first published in Spain and has been made by the National Association of Occupational Medicine in the Health Area (Anmtas). The research has been done by the Carlos III Health Institute with other scientific associations in the field of occupational risk prevention.

Unfortunately, the current situation is not good. Mothers continue to lose their jobs because of the simple fact of becoming pregnant, so they fear claiming their rights.

When I read this news I remember my pregnancy. I worked in a position of responsibility with a lot of pressure. The end of my pregnancy ended with work leave due to the risk of premature delivery and delayed intrauterine growth, as well as worrying blood pressure levels that forced me to maintain absolute rest and to do daily checks in the hospital.

When I informed me of my job, my boss called me and said "we have a lot of work, you will see if it is responsible to get into bed for a little high tension." This is an example of the comments and treatment I received, such as pressures to not ask for breastfeeding hours or the inability to have a suitable place to pump milk.

I also know many mothers who work precisely in Health and, when they request changes in their shifts or in the activities they perform, they receive a treatment that lacks the slightest sensitivity. Very few dare to take their case forward and rarely get their rights recognized.

I am sure that many of the readers know or have suffered what is called maternal mobbing. That the hard ones also be recognized Work shifts are also a risk factor in pregnancy It is essential to prevent mothers from continuing helpless.

All this must change. The Guide can help you get it. Protecting mothers and babies is everyone's obligation, in which companies must actively participate.

Video: Researchers: Working Night Shifts Pose Greater Risk Of Miscarriage For Pregnant Women (July 2024).