Surprising video of the gestation of a baby

There are many videos that exist about the gestation of a baby inside the womb and some of them as didactic and complete as “In the womb”, which we have already commented for a long time and that you will surely have seen many of you.

Today I bring you one that is also made with computer animation that is most entertaining and surprising because it shows the evolution of the fetus summarizing the gestures, "tics", movements and turns that can be made there.

This is an adaptation of a French film called "The Odyssey of Life" that lasts about 10 minutes and shows pregnancy from the moment of conception until delivery, going through all stages of the future baby .

With respect to the final moment, that of childbirth, there would be a couple of “buts” that could be put in, since the birth happens in a lithotomy position, when we have already commented several times that the ideal is vertical and the umbilical cord is cut after a few seconds, when it would be preferable to let it beat a few minutes.

Saving the type of birth, which is not in fact the most important thing in the video, you can enjoy the evolution of a baby inside the belly, almost as if you were inside.

Video: What to Expect During Your 8th Week of Pregnancy - Christopher Glowacki, MD (July 2024).