Frequently asked questions in the second trimester of pregnancy (II)

A few days ago we commented in a first post some of the Frequently asked questions women ask during the second trimester of pregnancy. We talk about the most pleasant period of pregnancy, because the symptoms that affect the general condition diminish and we explain, among other things, some of the changes that occur in that period. Today we continue with this post showing some more questions and their answers.

My skin seems to have changed color and I even see spots, is it normal?

Yes. By increasing estrogen levels, melanin-producing cells are also affected, which is the pigment that gives color to our skin. This can make areas of the skin that are already darker, such as freckles or birthmarks, look darker.

What if the spots are on the face?

The cause is the same, the involvement of melanocytes. It happens to some pregnant women that spots affect the forehead, nose, mouth and chin. This is called chloasma or "pregnancy mask" and, just as it appears during pregnancy, it tends to disappear after giving birth.

Why do breasts grow in size?

As with almost all body changes, by the action of hormones. Estrogen, progesterone, placental lactogen, oxytocin and prolactin prepare the body to feed the baby once it is born. Logically, this is the development of the breast, causing swelling, tenderness and sometimes pain.

What are the normal changes of the chest?

In addition to the increase in size, blood flow increases and so the veins become visible. The skin of the areola darkens and increases in size, the bumps found in the areola, called Montgomery tubers dilate and begin to secrete a fluid with which they lubricate the nipples (just as the child will continue to do once was born)

It could even be that the breasts secrete colostrum before giving birth, being normal.

I still have constipation ... is there anything that can be done?

Constipation is the result of the general digestive slowdown suffered by the body due to hormonal changes. Sometimes this is aggravated by the consumption of iron supplements. As there are some that produce more constipation than others, it might be a good idea to discuss it with the gynecologist in case the treatment can be changed.

The general recommendations are the same as with anyone suffering from constipation: eat lots of fruits and vegetables because they are rich in fiber and drink plenty of water (In principle, the more water, the more liquid the fecal bolus will be).

I feel swollen legs, is it normal?

Usually yes. When the uterus falls, with its weight, on the pelvic veins, these increase in pressure producing varicose veins. In addition to this, progesterone makes the veins more dilated and the venous return is difficult, Some swelling occurs, especially if the woman spends a lot of time standing. It usually happens after week 24 and is observed more frequently in multiple pregnancies.

If the swelling appears quickly (before it was not swollen and now enough), it is recommended to see a doctor in case it could be a sign of possible preeclampsia.

And what can I do to prevent varicose veins and swelling of the legs?

Well avoid everything that causes it is, above all, spend a lot of time standing. In summary it is recommended to wear pantyhose or elastic stockings that favor circulation, rest with your legs up, drink little salt (or none), do not get too fat and do some gentle exercises every day.

Now that the first trimester has passed, can I drink some alcohol?

The effects of alcohol on pregnancy vary from one woman to another and that is why a safe limit cannot be established on the amount a woman can take. Knowing that drinking alcohol can affect the mental and physical development of the baby seems to It is best to not drink any alcohol during pregnancy.

And medications?

Well, along the same lines, there are medications that could be taken after the first trimester of pregnancy and others that cannot be taken. Ideally, if you need any go to the doctor to prescribe the most appropriate.

To be continue…

In a few days we will offer you the third and last entry related to the questions in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (April 2024).