How to change the baby's clothes

First-time moms and dads feel a bit insecure when moving the baby to change clothes. It happened to me, I thought I could make a rough movement that bothered my little one, and I didn't even tell them about his dad that it was a bundle of nerves.

Babies do not like to be dressed or undressed, they are bothered by temperature changes and dislike the feeling of having something on their face and nose.

We know from experience that babies have to change their clothes frequently, and so that this moment becomes something pleasant for him we can follow some tips to do it.

To put on the shirt, we must widen the neck of the shirt and make it go through the head, without forcing the nose or ears. Then we take a sleeve and roll it gently and pass your hand. We stretch the shirt, covering the back and the belly.

If the baby is very small and does not hold his head alone, care must be taken. You have to roll the shirt widening the neck and put it behind the head, making it pass by keeping the head raised with great delicacy.

Whenever you change it, when you are going to put a garment on top it starts at the back of your head and backwards when you take it off. Do all movements with delicacy and without pulling. Remember to dress it with soft fabrics such as cotton and wash new clothes well before putting them on.

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