The ten most controversial parenting practices: vaccination

If between controversial parenting practices Breastfeeding is directly related to the health of our children, vaccines are another element involved in their health, and that is becoming increasingly relevant in the debate about how we care for and treat them.

Vaccines have become one of the most important achievements of medicine in recent times. However, there are those who consider them a hoax and source of not a few health-related misfortunes, when not a worldwide conspiracy to get rich even at the expense of the population's health.

WHO and various scientific organizations around the world endorse the effectiveness and the need for vaccines. We have already seen what the picture would be if we stop vaccinating our children. The data indicate that one of the actions that would contribute to saving the lives of children in the world is an adequate vaccination system in the first year of life.

However, whenever we talk about this issue, discordant voices arise, not only from a perspective, from my acceptable point of view, of those who do not want universality or demand greater security in immunization, something that UNICEF itself demands.

Also often heard voices against vaccination with arguments and myths that have been proven false, wielding data without scientific basis, when not misleading, that seem out of a manual of some guru.

From time to time there are intense debates on the web that sometimes transcend the mainstream media, and many times the criticisms of vaccination are based on criticism of the culture of fear without taking into account the statistics that speak of more deaths and health complications if there is no vaccination.

More false ideas about vaccines are promulgated, as many diseases had already begun to disappear before the introduction of vaccines (but precisely some are spreading due to the increase in non-vaccination).

It is difficult to agree with people who deny this practice, as we have seen in some discussions in our blog, so we place vaccination among the ten most controversial parenting practices, and we will soon be back with more news about her.

The ten most controversial parenting practices

Video: The HPV Vaccine. Why Parents Really Choose to Refuse (July 2024).