Paste and is aggressive

Aggression is a natural instinct, experts consider child aggression as a way to express negative feelings such as anger or frustration, these are feelings that many children air when they don't get what they want. Parents can perfectly realize this fact, you just have to observe the child to realize, push their friends, appropriate toys that are not their own or simply sticks and is aggressive for no apparent reason.

This continued behavior may indicate some type of discomfort, but this is only in extreme cases, most children who react in this way is because they have a great vitality and still do not know how to control themselves. In any case, it is advisable to try to teach a little self-control, set certain limits, that you understand that all your wishes cannot be satisfied and, above all, teach you to respect others. Our attitude will mark a lot the behavior of the child, explain what is right and what is not, show that you can not tolerate explosions of anger or arrogance towards others for not satisfying their desires. One solution is to ask, for example, your friend's toy to leave it, always with kindness and respect.

To show him that we will not falter or tolerate the kind of attitude he has, he will gradually enter into reason, to finally discover that this mode of behavior is much better than he used to have.

Video: Robert Ellis - Passive Aggressive - 2202019 - Paste Studios - New York, NY (July 2024).