Cuddling babies could prevent future drug addictions

We already knew the power of petting babies, but we could not imagine that such positive influence would reach adulthood. Maternal caresses during childhood can help today's children "resist" the temptation to use drugs and other addictive substances when they are older.

This has been indicated by a study conducted by Duke University (United States) and the University of Adelaide (Australia), published in "The Journal of Neuroscience" ("Early-Life Experience Decreases Drug-Induced Reinstatement of Morphine CPP in Adulthood ... ").

As explained by Staci Bilbo, neuroscientist and co-author of the work, in certain experiments they have proven that having a lot of physical contact with the mother increases the production of a molecule of the immune system called Interleukin-10 (IL-10) that is capable of modifying the brain's response to substances that create addiction.

In the study, prepared with rats, scientists have verified that the brains of animals that had received more maternal caresses after birth had more active genes destined to produce this substance.

After consuming a drug such as morphine, in the brain of mammals, cells that start a process that would lead to the sensation of reward are activated. However, when the IL-10 "attachment-matrix" molecule comes into play, this inflammation is counteracted and the reward signal is reduced, which prevents an addiction from being created.

It is curious that, the more maternal drugs have been received at an early age, the greater the ability to produce this substance, that is, greater protection against addiction.

Now it remains to be known if this mechanism indicates that maternal care could prevent future addictions It is valid for human beings, which from the perspective of the importance of the experiences of the first years of life is not unlikely.

Although it is also true that rats do not take decades to make the association, or that various drug addictions have not been taken into account. In any case, the more contact, the better growth and development, so do not skimp on affection ...

Video: These Babies Were Born Addicted To Drugs (July 2024).