Pork tenderloin cake recipe with potatoes

One of the most popular recipes in all the houses, is the meat pie, a delicious combination of a Bolognese meat sauce covered by mashed potatoes and gratin. Surely you have done it on more than one occasion. Today we are going to prepare a version of this dish that you probably like as much as I do. It is a recipe for pork tenderloin cake with potatoes baker What can you do today?

To the use pieces of pork tenderloin and not minced meat, the only difficulty lies in chopping the meat into small pieces, which we will then mix with sauteed vegetables, to encourage children to consume them.

In return, instead of mashed potatoes we will use very thin sliced ​​potatoes that will be cooked directly in the oven, so The recipe will not take us too long and it will surely help all the members of the house to eat more vegetables.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • 2 large potatoes, 2 pork tenderloins, 1 zucchini, 1 green pepper, 1 leek, 3 carrots, 2 ripe tomatoes, 3 tablespoons of fried tomato, salt and crispy fried onion to top

How to make pork tenderloin cake with baker potatoes

We start by cutting the meat of the Iberian pork tenderloin and sauté it lightly seasoned in a pan. We reserve While the meat is being made, chop the vegetables into small pieces and we poach them in three tablespoons of olive oil, stirring until they soften.

Add the fried tomato and let it that sauce is cooked for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to obtain a kind of ratatouille with vegetables slightly al dente. Then add the meat and mix well.

In a baking dish greased with butter or olive oil, we put a layer of thinly sliced ​​potato slices with a mandolin or a sharp knife. On it we put the stuffing of meat and vegetables and cover with another layer of potatoes trying to make each one over the previous one, as seen in the cover image.

We varnish the potatoes with olive oil, decorate with two lines of crispy onion and put in the oven where we cook at 200º for about thirty minutes until the potatoes are golden brown and ready. We serve at the same source.

Processing time | 45 minutes
Difficulty | Half


This Pork Tenderloin Pie with Baked Potatoes It spreads a lot so you can give them to eat for a couple of days. You can store the leftovers in the fridge and heat them in the microwave when you want to repeat the experience.

Video: Pork Tenderloin and Red Potatoes with Ray. REC TEC Grills (July 2024).