Monstrous candies ?, edible spiders? ... the most original candy for Halloween night

You can not say that Halloween 'is just around the corner', but marketing is already responsible for announcing the festivities around which the consumption of related products increases.

So, if last year it wasn't until mid-October that we started talking with friends about jointly celebrating the Halloween Party, This year my children are already thinking about how they will make their new little baskets to collect sweets, or if we can invite other children to dinner.

And I, I have found this original idea to present candies that are 'very scary', surely at least they will make an impression, although once the scare has passed, no child will have any qualms about unwrapping them to take them to their mouths. The author of this contribution is Philippa, and I have complemented her explanations.

We need (for each spider):

  • A candy with a stick, two 'clean pipes' long and black (or four short), a pair of moving eyes and white tail.
Pipe cleaners and moving eyes can be found in special craft stores, although sometimes there are also in any neighborhood stationery

How we assemble our Halloween candies:

Cut each 'pipe cleaner' in half, so that we get four, and roll them one by one starting from the joint of the candy with the stick, ensuring that there are two ends of the same length on each side. Finally we will have achieved the eight legs of the spider, and we will only have to glue the two moving eyes on the 'knots' of the pipe cleaners, and let them dry. Do not forget, finally, bend the ends of the legs, it will be much better.

I have to remember that you should not be afraid to stain with a droplet of white glue, because when dry it is transparent

Once our caramel spiders are finished, we can put them in the baskets and go outside to give sweets, smiles, and the occasional surprise.

Video: Last Minute Halloween Treats. Halloween Recipes. DIY Easy Halloween Treats by So Yummy (July 2024).