Sleepy Wings: a strange invention for the baby to sleep better

There are many inventions that appear in the market with the intention of improving our lives or those of our children and there are many that by strangers or by useless end up forgotten or end up not even taking off.

I don't know if this will be the case, but the sleeping wings they seem to me one of many strange inventions and extravagant with little use, despite being sold as a useful and practical invention to get children to sleep at ease.

The benefits are based on the already known derivatives of the technique of wrapping babies. As you know, many babies are calmer and more relaxed when they feel physically contained, wrapped, subject.

This is due to the memory of the uterus, where in recent weeks they barely had room to move and it is also because, being subject, the uncomfortable reflex of moro that many children “suffer” when they move a little while sleeping or hearing is avoided a noise and that makes them wake up even crying (the reflection of moro is like the feeling they have that they are going to fall and stretch their arms as if trying to hold on to anything).

Well, it is usually recommended, for children who move a lot sleeping and wake up, use the technique of wrapping them with a blanket. As a blanket has everyone now invented the wings to sleep, the Sleepy wings, which are like a jacket that holds the baby to help you sleep.

There are people who speak very well of them, just as there are people who speak very well of the technique of wrapping babies, however it depends a lot on the baby that has touched you, because there are those who need complete freedom (mine have been three like this), and with that I mean that, if they have slept, they have noticed that we have wanted to contain them, they have complained immediately (with anger and even back arching) to be free of bonds.

I really, watching this video of how they work, I stay more with that "strange invention", because I do not see that they hold too much (more wraps a blanket), scratches can also be prevented with a mitten or by cutting the fingernails well and the tranquility that can be with being with mom or dad there are no wings that can replace it.

Video: BOX FAN WHITE NOISE. Soothing Sleep Sounds. Also Good For Focus, Studying, Homework. ASMR (July 2024).