The skin needs special care after delivery

After giving birth, as usual, you focus all your attention on the baby, but your skin also needs special care after delivery.

The new situation in your life, fatigue and hormonal changes are reflected in the health of your skin, therefore it is important to keep it in optimal conditions, because after all it is the main point of contact with your baby. We tell you how to take care of it.

It is time to renew the skin

Postpartum is the right time to renew the skin. The epidermis needs to get rid of dead cells and impurities that have accumulated on the surface.

To do this, you must make a gentle skin exfoliation with suitable products that do not damage it. On the one hand, they will clean the surface of the skin and you will notice it softer and silky, while on the other, they will leave it more receptive for the treatments you use next, such as anti-stretch cream and moisturizing creams or oils.

Treat stretch marks

As we have commented in a previous post, postpartum is the key moment to treat stretch marks. These are not only formed when the skin is distended, but also when it is rearranged. In addition, stretch marks of recent appearance may decrease their appearance if they receive adequate care.

You have to choose specific products with ingredients that act as healing agents such as rosehip and vitamin K, and that stimulate the production of collagen to repair damaged skin.

Consistency is also key in the treatment of anti-stretch marks. You should not forget to apply it twice a day, in the morning and at night, with circular movements in the area of ​​the buttocks and legs, abdomen and lower back.

Recover the elasticity and firmness of the skin

The hydration of the skin is a ritual of beauty that we must perform daily, and more especially after childbirth. The vegetable oils They are a good option to hydrate your skin thoroughly, thanks to its soft and pleasant texture to also give you a firming massage.

Choose oils or creams that provide firmness and help restructure tissues, such as Argan, sweet almond or avocado vegetable oils, or rosehip, Asian sparkle and jojoba, previously diluted.

If you prefer the texture of the creams you can choose one with ingredients that provide good hydration such as shea oil, which fixes the water to the cells that form the skin, as well as firmness, such as collagen, Asian sparkle, with firming and restructuring properties, elastin and vitamin E.

If your skin is very dry, you can choose a specific nourishing cream for dry skin.

Nourish the skin inside

The skin after childbirth may look dry and without vitality. Food and water They can do a lot to avoid it, in fact it is key that the skin nourishes inside, in addition to receiving the moisturizing and the properties of the creams and oils that we apply.

Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially antioxidant foods, rich in vitamins and minerals that contribute to the production of collagen. Do not forget cereals and omega 3, present mainly in fatty fish.

Special face care

Your complexion may be affected by hormonal changes. Although after delivery, acne usually disappears if it has appeared during pregnancy, it is not enough to maintain adequate face cleansing, removing the remains of makeup or dirt every night. Use a soap or a specific cleansing gel depending on your skin type.

Twice daily apply a moisturizer, better be fluid, and then the treatment you are using. For its part, the exfoliation should be gentle and also performed weekly.

If you have spots during pregnancy, what we know as chloasma or melasma apply a moisturizer with a high sun protection factor.

Stains have to fade after delivery, and also the exfoliation will contribute to their disappearance. Even so, if the problem persists there are specific creams to remove stains. Always consult with the doctor before performing any bleaching treatment.

Video: Preparing for preterm baby's hospital discharge (July 2024).