Do you know the gastrointestinal symptoms that are associated with a food allergy?

Many of the symptoms related to cow's milk protein allergy (APLV) do not generate suspicions when considered and treated in isolation. So they do not always presuppose the existence of a fundamental problem.

Silvia account of "My menu without milk" many children who are diagnosed late of their APLV, even when they go to the pediatrician's office for routine check-ups. It is almost always allergies not mediated by IgE, or intolerances, whose symptoms do not appear immediately after the intake of the food that causes the allergy. A few months ago, we already welcomed the CESA collaborative project on food allergies, designed to provide training for children with allergies and their parents, of great interest due to the misinformation that often leaves the doctor's office. This initiative aims to develop tools and resources that help to better understand the disease, and have a better quality of life.

In this regard, we can also recommend Silvia's blog, with APLV focused content (although other food allergies are also treated), and that starts from a personal experience. It is she who warns that sometimes months go by without a baby becoming diagnosed, to which must be added the difficulties in transmitting her discomfort.

In addition to mucosal inflammation as a symptom related to food allergies, there are other gastrointestinal symptoms of an allergy, and it is possible that if the parents of the affected child are not attentive, they will go unnoticed:

None of these indications alone is important and if parents observe any of them in a causal way, they are generally not a cause of concern for pediatricians who treat our children, but the truth is that a healthy child would not have to have any of these symptoms.
  • Excessive mucus that is eliminated either by continuous dripping of the nose or by feces.

  • Gases after meals and stomach upset (flatulence and belching) that can last several hours. In small children the bulging gut is observed.

  • Dirty tongue and chronic halitosis.

  • Frequent hiccups, especially in infants, as well as easy vomiting.

  • Frequent bowel movements (3 / day) or alternation between very hard and soft stools.

  • Stool with a very bad smell.

  • Chronic inapetence, especially in children under 5 years, or continuous rejection of the bottle in infants.

  • Stool that includes whole food pieces, that is, undigested.

  • Burning sensation in the pit of the stomach, which can result in regurgitation of gastric acid in nursing babies

It should be noted that families with food allergic members must make an extra effort when buying food, which goes through the study of each label in the case of packaged foods, taking into account that they are not always as clear as one would like. And that when children are affected, parents must also participate with schools in safe schooling.

That is why it is so important (in order to achieve the well-being of patients) that they have Reliable information that helps them to find the diagnosis as soon as possible, as to cope with the allergy. That, and a greater commitment on the part of the professionals, both in the early diagnosis, as in the evaluation and treatment of symptoms in the framework of the food allergy suffered.

Images | Cheeseslave, Andy Eick Via | My Menu without Milk In Peques and More | Can you prevent the appearance of allergies in children? Do we know how children feel allergic to food?

Video: Food Allergies Symptoms, Testing, Common Food Allergies, & Food Sensitivity Test (June 2024).