The deadline to participate in the II edition of the contest "The Game in the School" is opened

The game at school It is the name that receives the contest aimed at all Spanish schools and is organized by the Children's Game Observatory of the Crecer Playing Foundation with the sponsorship of the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ). The main objective is to recognize those schools that apply gaming experiences in the classrooms of primary and child cycles as a teaching resource to teach a specific subject or subject.

After the good reception received in the first call, the contest celebrates its second edition counting again with the members of the Children's Game Observatory, which we remember that they aim to ensure the fulfillment of the right to play in our society, as a jury. He Registration deadline It is open until April 11, 2014 and all schools interested in participating can find the contest rules on the Children's Game Observatory page. Participation is open to any school in the cycles of primary education and early childhood education.

In recognition of the winning schools and thanks to the collaboration of the companies associated with AEFJ the classrooms will receive as a prize different packs made up of toys designed to equip the play spaces within the classrooms and the small play centers of the schools. The toy companies that collaborate in the II Edition of the contest The game at school They are: Manufacturas Quecos, Toys Cayro, Berjuan, Miniland, M. Llorens Juan, Game Movil, Famosa, Playmobil, INJUSA, Smoby, Mattel and Arias Dolls.

We remember that the celebration, in 2013, of the first edition of the contest had a great reception on the part of the schools and among the projects received the subjects of mathematics and English stood out as those with greater presence of the game and the toy as a pedagogical tool.

The schools that were winners in the 2013 edition were:

  • CEIP La Cala-Benidorm for your project Playing through the times
  • Immaculate College of Valladolid for his project “The gaming experience applied to the classroom”
  • CEIP Azorín de Monóvar for his project Vesprada of Jocs (game afternoon)

We hope that 2014 will once again exceed expectations and The Game at School It becomes a consolidated contest in which schools contribute their successful experiences aimed at having a great education for their students.

Video: #LetsMakeaBed Contest - Anyone Can Play - Deadline August 31, 2019 (July 2024).