Breast milk is just as nutritious with the second child as with the first

It is very possible that after reading this headline you think "of course", followed by "how obvious" and "how absurd to talk about it". If so, you are absolutely right: it is obvious, it is absurd to talk about it and it is very clear that breast milk is just as nutritious with the second child as with the first.

Or maybe we are all wrong? Because a co-worker has told me that her newly released niece (she is barely a month old), little sister of another child, by medical indication, you are taking and will take vitamins until you turn one for breastfeeding and being the second.

Are you talking about vitamin D?

Ojiplático I stayed when he told me. He has begun to tell me that his niece was taking vitamins, that he was breastfeeding and I thought that the phrase would end with that of "and they have given him vitamin D, because they say that in breast milk there is not too much".

After that sentence I would have told him that they are right, that in breast milk there is little vitamin D for a logical reason: every morning the sun rises. The sun rises and touches our skin, with its contact, or with the simple contact of daylight, we synthesize enough vitamin D. Now, this is the theory, in practice, we leave home and not to arrive at the sites we go by car, we have parking, we go to supermarkets with parking, the car is not convertible, shops neither, nor is it our house. If you have a terrace you can almost give thanks, but they are usually so small that it does not give to spend much time out there, so the contact of babies with the sun is usually reduced to the daily walk in the stroller or backpack, which is sometimes longer and sometimes it is less, and if there is sun it may be enough, but in winter not so much.

In other words, nature did not expect us to put roofs everywhere and he did not count on the need to increase the amount of vitamin D in breast milk so that our children received more orally when our customs made us receive less through the skin. And even if he had it, it takes many hundreds of years for adaptation to take place, and for children who receive little vitamin D to happen, they would have to have less offspring capacity, so that those who receive more from the mother's breast survive and replace the others. Well, I think the thing is going well, I'm not an expert, much less.

The case, that if he had told me about vitamin D he would have said "yes, nothing happens because I take it, but since we are in April and sun, what is said sun, it will not be missing, needless. In addition, it is the second, the obligations that the first has will make him go out more to the street, because the other must be taken to school, to buy clothes, to visit relatives, to the park, etc. "

He talked to me about a multivitamin

But no, he hasn't told me anything about vitamin D. He told me that the girl is taking vitamins, a multivitamin that you should take throughout the first year of life because breast milk, when it is the second child, has less quality and less nutrients.

And the worst part is that the girl is taking it, as hundreds and hundreds of children will be taking it following the recommendations of the professionals who are saying such barbarity.

Which, on the other hand, makes me think to what extent we can by simply wearing a white coat, do harm to mothers and babies. One day they tell you that your milk has no nutrients and another they tell you that you are no longer feeding it, even if the girl earns a kilo a month, and they put you an artificial milk or whatever they propose.

I do not want to generalize, I can not generalize, because I am a pediatric nurse and I do not do any of this, as most professionals do not know, but as you can see there are enlightened people who take the theories of go to know where, believe so the problem or the need and the solution is encasque you to give it to the girl, nothing less than for a year. Well, they won't make money those of vitamins with treatments for babies for a whole year.

Really, what a shame that there are professionals like that, based on hoaxes, make parents spend money without need. Penalty because it also creates distrust. One in the end does not know how much to pay attention to the pediatrician or the nurse, because with things like that credibility is lost.

Breast milk, as I say, is just as nutritious with the second as with the first, same with the third as with the second and the same with the fourth as with the third. Unless the mother is tremendously poor and has nothing to put in her mouth, the milk will be nutritious, whatever the number of children she has and the time she has breastfed.

Video: Breast Feeding Moms Could Use a Hand (July 2024).