The first cold of autumn is here, what to do?

You have forgotten the kids' boogers during the summer, but it has been starting classes, and arriving the autumn with its fresh mornings and hot afternoons and it was inevitable: the first cold of the season is here.

Some children have not even adapted to the school that they are already crammed. It is very common for babies and young children to have a few colds during the fall and winter, especially if they go to daycare or school. But, what should we do?

How is it spread?

The common cold or cold is a mild viral infection of the upper respiratory system, very contagious, caused mainly by a type of virus, the rhinovirus, also known as "rhinopharyngitis"

It is transmitted through the respiratory secretions produced by coughing and sneezing, so inevitably young children, being in permanent contact with other children, they spread very easily.

In Babies and more 11 tips to prevent your children from catching a cold

The following symptoms can be observed, lasting between three and ten days: sneezing, runny nose, headache, runny nose and congestion, watery eyes, itching, pain or phlegm in the throat, cough, tiredness and a feeling of malaise .

No fever, and if there is one, it is very low. This is the main difference with the flu, which is high fever. As you know, flu and cold are not the same disease, since influenza is an infection caused by the influenza virus.

The cold is not cured with medicines. Antibiotics are contraindicated for both cold and flu, as they are diseases caused by viruses and not by bacteria.

By not being cured with medicines, what we should do is relieve the symptoms it produces.

It is very important to keep the child always hydrated with natural juices, water, broths and frequently clean the nostrils with saline water.

In Babies and more How to improve the defenses of babies and children

The use of environmental humidifiers also helps, as do the steam baths that contribute to making the secretions more fluid.

If the child has a few tenths of fever and needs medications such as paracetamol, they should always be prescribed by the pediatrician with the dose and the number of times a day we should give him.

When to go to the doctor?

Monitor the cold and take care of the child to avoid possible complications, mainly caused by bacteria such as otitis, sinusitis, purulent conjunctivitis or pneumonia.

Besides that, there are others symptoms to which we must pay attention and take the child to the pediatrician if we observe:

  • The persistence of fever for more than three days

  • Earache

  • Difficulty breathing

  • The persistence of more than 10 days of thick yellow or greenish nasal mucus

  • Generalized Decay

Can contagion be prevented?

Colds are very difficult to prevent, especially in children who are in contact with other children for many hours as in nurseries or cabbages.

Still you have to avoid, as far as possible, sharing pacifiers, glasses, cutlery and any other objects that are brought to the mouth, as well as food and drinks. Also washing your hands frequently and covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze can help prevent infection.

Dads and moms, if the first cold of autumn is here, the only thing left is patience, many pampering and care until it happens. Has it touched you yet?

Photos | Thinkstock
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