Highlights in Babies and more: from January 26 to February 1

Like every Monday, we review the most prominent contents that we published last week in Babies and more.

We have shown you a great advertising spot that shows us the absurd "war of the mothers" in a fun video, which beyond the commercial intention behind it, makes us reflect with humor on the subject.

For our part we were surprised to learn a theory that has its logic. It turns out that the fat that women accumulate in their hip has a reason: to be the fat in breast milk. It has also let us ice cream know that for the "modest" price of 30,000 euros you can give your child a unique name in the world.

Likewise, we talk about the real reasons why parents shout at children and about nine things we care about, that your baby doesn't care about anything.

A world, undoubtedly disturbing (or tender?), Is that of reborn babies, silicone dolls that reproduce, almost to the last detail, a newborn baby.

Armando related how some mothers tell him in the consultation: "Look Armando, I bring you my mother to tell you about food and arms" and also talked about the hundreds of criticisms surrounding the case of Kristina Pimenova, the girl most beautiful in the world, with 9 years.

And to end our review for the best of the week, we leave you with the emotional moment in which a blind mother sees her baby for the first time thanks to the latest technology glasses.