A mother lets her 3-year-old son choose her wardrobe for five days

Since they are born, every morning, we open the closet of our children and choose the clothes that they will wear that day. Sometimes, when they already have a little knowledge, they tell you that they prefer one shirt or another, but usually, it is always the parents who decide. This is the reflection that a woman made a good day, who had been choosing her son's clothes for 3 years, and thought that I could let her son do the same for her, for a few days.

So he told the boy that, from that day on, he could choose the clothes that mom was going to wear, for five days. "The result cannot be bad ", she thought as she looked at her closet and saw that all her clothes liked her. "Besides, it sure is a fun experience". The result? Look at the images and judge for yourself.

The first day he picked up a Bob Dylan t-shirt, a gray skirt and stockings. His mother, quite excited, put it all thinking that it was not so bad. However, he added some heeled shoes and a gray sweatshirt and it looked like this:

He took it with humor and went down to see her husband, who was expecting a laugh and some jocular comment. The funny thing is that he said nothing. One of two, or is how we are many men, that we do not look at those things, or she does not usually dress very closely (or both, because she says that sometimes she does put on some strange models).

The second day the boy made a kind of tribute to Minnie, as his mother says, and that is that the clothes, except the shoes, seem to combine quite well:

The third day is the one I like the most, which is the photo you see at the beginning of the post. I like it because that day the child had to enjoy the beautiful. That day he said he liked flowers and chose the socks first. When looking for a dress, he looked for one that also had flowers. The shoes he chose quickly, without much thought, because those were the best option according to him. She asked him if he should wear a sweater and he said "better a jacket".

That was how he went out and confesses, logically, that a little embarrassment happened and that day yes, he expected someone to tell him something, or to look at him strangely. To his surprise that didn't happen, and in fact, a woman stopped to tell her she liked socks a lot.

On the fourth day he chose three parts above, and nothing more. The mother, of course, asked to change one of the shirts for pants, and he agreed. The shoes, it seems he took the first two he liked, although they do not match:

And on the fifth and last day he chose a shirt with arrows, which the boy likes a lot, and looked for pants with arrows, which he did not find. He replaced it with jeans, but not before telling his mother that he should buy some arrow pants. Then he took two boots, asked if one was similar enough to the other, she said yes, and that's how it ended.

The conclusions that the mother drew were curious. You might think like me: "I don't see what need to do something like that", well I would have let the child choose the clothes he was going to wear (In fact, before being a father, I always told myself that my children would wear what they would want each day). Anyway, she concluded that it was an interesting experience because she noticed that the child liked the first days, but that the last ones seemed already a bit heavy, because he preferred to play than to have that daily responsibility. However, he felt that the child was satisfied and happy because his opinion was heard, and not only that, but his decisions were carried out.

He also realized how little people care what you wear. So much time thinking what to wear, what it combines with what and what not, and it turns out that in the end it does not matter, because people don't seem to notice as much as we think.

And the last thing he concluded is that it is good to find moments to do nonsense, things out of place. They are things, he says, positive for children and positive for the hearts of parents. In the end it is not so serious, he says: it's only clothes.

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