Will I get stretch marks during pregnancy?

It may not be the first, but it is usually one of the concerns that future moms have, although it is not a phenomenon that poses a risk to the mother or the baby. But it is normal to have certain fears about physical changes at this stage and therefore we will try to respond. Will I get stretch marks during pregnancy?

Although it goes ahead it cannot be predicted absolutely. It is known that some women have a higher risk than others of having stretch marks during pregnancy, for example if you suffered them in adolescence or if you increase your pace very quickly.

And is that The cause of stretch marks is the breakdown of elastic skin fibers. This occurs when the skin is stretched and the fibers with less elasticity break, creating these marks. At first, the stretch marks are usually pinkish or reddish colors and finally they can be lightened, becoming whitish or silver.

Stretch marks are more common in the abdomen, for obvious reasons during pregnancy, but they can also appear on the thighs, buttocks, hips, chest and arms. There are studies that indicate the prevalence of stretch marks in pregnant women of 60% in the abdomen, 25% in thighs, 20% in hips and 10% in breasts.

The speed with which weight increases and the uterus grows can be a risk factor. The faster this growth occurs, the more likely it is that these brands will appear. Therefore, a controlled weight gain is best not to appear (among many other benefits).

It also depends, as we have pointed out above, on the type of skin of each woman and the inheritance, since if stretch marks appeared in adolescence, or if there were cases of stretch marks in the family in pregnancy, they are more likely to appear stretch marks

Try not to get stretch marks during pregnancy

However, although it's hard to predict if we will get stretch marks during pregnancyThere are certain recommendations that can help prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, although they are not infallible. Take note of the following tips:

  • Hydrate your skin frequently, since, as we have said, a skin in good elastic state, can overcome the appearance of stretch marks more easily. There are many creams to moisturize the skin and it has not been shown that the specific stiffeners (more expensive) are more effective. In addition, using a moisturizer on a regular basis can also prevent the appearance of itching or itching in the belly, which many women have. The important thing is that the cream is applied to the abdomen (and in the other "risk" areas) constantly. In addition, this routine will give you a moment of relaxation (for example, after showering, before going to bed ...).

  • The diet must be rich in vitamins to keep the skin in good condition, hydrated and elastic. Enter foods rich in vitamins A (dairy, carrots, apricots, medlars), E (vegetable oils, cereals, vegetables) and C (citrus, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes) and magnesium (for the synthesis of collagen). A healthy diet during pregnancy must include many fruits and vegetables, good sources of vitamins and water. This healthy diet will also help the next point, which also influences when it comes to preventing stretch marks.

  • Control pregnancy weight gain. There is no ideal weight for all women, but what is always advised is that there is no excessive weight gain, which can lead to multiple health problems and not just aesthetics. To avoid risks, along with a healthy diet, the practice of exercise is usually recommended (provided there is no medical contraindication).

  • Apply on the rosehip skin, since this oil contains high levels of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (linoleic, oleic and linolenic) since it provides elasticity, regenerates, nourishes and moisturizes skin tissues, stimulating cell growth. Therefore, it is also recommended to minimize scars if the stretch marks have already appeared.

If the latter happens, that is, if you get stretch marks during pregnancy, there is a comfort: with the passage of time (use of rose oil included or not), small scars become less visible, acquiring less strong tones and more similar to the rest of the skin. There are specific treatments to reduce stretch marks if they become an important problem for women.

And do not trust yourself if you did not get your first pregnancy: they may appear in the following. In fact, we often relax with prevention measures and stretch marks are likely to occur in subsequent pregnancies.

In conclusion, we remember that the risk of stretch marks in pregnancy It is an aesthetic problem that does not depend on the age of the future mother. That is why they are formed even in adolescence, when the skin is "young", during the growth stage.

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In Babies and more | Stretch marks in the postpartum period: a key moment to treat them. Can pregnant women prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin?

Video: How To Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy (July 2024).