"Like Me" campaign promotes the sale of toys with disabilities

Tired of never finding dolls that resemble their children, a group of parents of children with disabilities, started a Facebook campaign to get companies to start manufacturing toys with which their children could feel identified. Thus was born Like Me, a campaign that promotes the sale of toys with disabilities.

The campaign has reached its peak when users of the social network twitter, through the hastag #ToyLikeMe They made her viral. Since then several companies have shown their interest and even some already have some model in the market.

A success

The campaign was initiated by Facebook by a couple of mothers of disabled children and immediately began to gain followers from all over the world who not only dedicated themselves to giving likes, but also began to upload photographs of their children's toys. children that they had modified themselves so that they were similar to their little ones and even parents of children without disabilities they joined the campaign disguising some of their dolls.

A petition has even been launched through the famous site of change.org for brands such as PlayMobil, LEGO or Matell to start manufacturing such toys.

Not only have manufacturers of toys been asked for support, but also companies like Disney to include characters with disabilities in their series and films.

More than 150 million children in the world have some type of disability and having a toy with which they can feel identified would be a great help.

Video: Scams That Should be Illegal (July 2024).