I am pregnant and suffer from diarrhea, is it normal?

Although it is not as usual as constipation, diarrhea is one of the discomforts that pregnant women usually suffer. Usually these episodes can be punctual and are not usually serious, although it is important to take into account some factors to prevent it and to act appropriately in case it occurs.

During the first months they could even be one of the most frequent symptoms that the woman is in a state, although as it progresses it can occur due to sensitivity in the digestive system or because we may be going through the care against constipation.

What are the causes ?: hormones have to do

Although the causes for which a normal person suffers an episode of diarrhea are the same that affect a pregnant woman, hormones also play a fundamental role, since these directly affect the gastrointestinal system (that's why vomiting and constipation also appear).

We must bear in mind that for that reason the digestive system is more sensitive than ever, without counting on the physical 'reorganization' that we suffer internally, so we have to take great care of what we eat, and even the hours at which we do it.

Other possible causes may be changes in the diet that we normally follow, lactose intolerance due to an excess in dairy consumption or by the intake of some medication (for example, when we started taking prenatal vitamins).

How to avoid it

Obviously the best we can do to avoid it is to have a balanced diet, trying to avoid copious, very fatty foods and taking care of hygiene during its preparation. It is also important to drink a lot of water and not self-medicate, since there are medications that can cause episodes of diarrhea for no apparent reason.

It is also vital monitor that the food we eat is fresh, since during pregnancy it is easy to present gastroenteritis due to viruses or bacteria that can be found in them.

How to treat diarrhea during pregnancy

If despite taking all these precautions into account we get diarrhea, we must observe if it is a timely case (for example, a case of indigestion that lasts only one day) and evaluate if it is for any food we have taken. In that case as a treatment it is usually recommended Soft diet, drink plenty of fluids and rest.

There are foods that can help calm the bowel movement a bit, such as apples, pears, rice, potatoes and yogurts with probiotics. It's advisable take roasted fruits and boiled starches to help stop it.

If, on the contrary, it becomes stronger and the general condition of the pregnant woman is getting worse, it is best to go to the emergency room so that she can be diagnosed by a doctor, since it can be a virus that needs to be treated with medication.

Beware of dehydration

The most serious problem that diarrhea can cause is dehydration, since it directly affects the baby: when it occurs, blood does not reach the placenta efficiently and can cause premature delivery. That is why it is so important that if a pregnant woman has severe diarrhea, see a doctor, as she may need to receive serum.

Video: Is it Normal to Have a Lot of Diarrhea While Pregnant? (July 2024).