Gifts of yesterday and today: a journey through the memory of our Christmas

Many Christmass have passed, sometimes I even think that too many have passed. Especially when I see myself reflected in my children, when I see that illusion that fills their eyes these days, for parties, for meetings, vacations and of course, for gifts.

It is perhaps at this point, in the gifts, where I see the most difference with Christmas that I remember. I see how little they have to do now asking my children with whom I or my wife put when we wrote the Letter to the Kings, although there are still some "immortal" toys that have stood the test of time with more or less evolution. Others, however, have disappeared. This is A trip for the memory of our Christmas. The gifts of yesterday and today.

What did the children of yesterday ask for and what do they ask for today?

Illustration courtesy of Lucía Pérez Domínguez

We see how today's toys predominate, especially as children are older, electronic toys, touch screen, mobile, tablets and consoles, although in the same way that happened to us, there are also "fashionable" products "like the famous drones that are already everywhere.

There are many of them that have been recycled and adapted to new times, such as dolls, which have gone from representing a princess-girl to another scientific, adventurous and independent girl.

Nancy's ad from the 80's

Nancy's current ad

And speaking of dolls, a few days ago Barbie was news to include a child in one of her ads, well, here we did 40 years ago and if not watch the following video:

And they repeated it in 2013

Well, what is clear is that dolls are still one of those toys that never goes out of style and that with minimal variations are still one of our children's favorites.

The parents of the modern toy

Bicycles are still a classic in the letters to Santa Claus, like the consoles, they remember the famous Don King Kong or the Game Boy, now, the descendants of these take over the market, much more powerful and promising, like the Previous hours and hours of fun.

Others disappeared or maybe they are not so fashionable anymore

I will not be the one who misses the Tamagotchis, that hellish keychain that everyone had. By the way, if you want something similar there are mobile applications that have nothing to envy, that if, under your responsibility, I do not accuse me of opening the box of thunder.

The famous walkman, for me one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century that allowed you, for the first time, to be able to leave home with the music that you wanted and without having to leave your back carrying those huge radio cassettes (which by the way I do not they let me out).

This has been a little review for those years of our childhood, I know there will be many other toys that will remain in the inkwell as the famous EXIN Castles, today replaced by the archifamosos LEGO.

Here you have a video that reviews the most important. As you can see, the vast majority are still found today, some as we have seen, almost without modifications:

Video: Willow Creek Christmas Eve 2018 (July 2024).