How can anyone make fun of a sick child? I do not get it

Really, I don't understand the evil of some people. How can anyone make fun of a sick child? Jameson was born 4 years ago with a genetic disease known as Pfeiffer syndrome that affects approximately one in every 100,000 births and is characterized by abnormalities in the development of the skull.

His mother, Alice Ann Meyer, shares on Jameson's Jounrney blog how her son's day-to-day evolution is, to help other parents who may be in the same situation. Someone has used a picture of the boy posted on the blog to create a cruel meme that compared his son's face with that of a mini pit bull. An image that logically I will not reproduce here.

Posted by Jameson's Journey on Tuesday, February 2, 2016

When Alice discovered what was being done with Jameson's photo, she felt completely devastated, how could anyone make fun of her son? He did not hesitate to undertake a fight against the internet to denounce the memes and thus defend his son.

Unfortunately, the meme has received thousands of likes and has been widely shared by social networks, so it is virtually impossible to control the problem and eliminate them all, but at least she has wanted to make things clear in her messages.

"If you're going to laugh and share this meme, I think you should know exactly what you are sharing and what you're laughing at," Meyer wrote in the message. "Therefore, to all who have put 'LOL', you have shared, and published this meme, let me start by introducing you to this child. His name is Jameson. He is very real, and he was born with Pfeiffer syndrome."

"The sensitive fiber touched me when someone who has published the meme told me that the photo was not even of a real person, that it was an image with Photoshop. I thought it was a great opportunity to educate people ... there is a person behind that picture. He's very real, like so many other children. "

Hopefully this story serves to make people think twice before sharing a meme that makes fun of a child, or anyone. Internet is not a means in which everything goes, anonymity does not justify cruelty, because behind what may be funny for some people, children, parents, brothers who suffer.

Video: A Sick Childs Touching Wish - Alternatino (July 2024).