How to dress when you are pregnant?

Pregnancy is that beautiful stage in the life of a woman who brings with her a series of psychological and physiological changes. The illusion for the arrival of a new member to the cousin family over all things, but it also brings with it a sea of ​​doubts and although we cannot solve them all, we can help you to clear one of them: How do I dress if I am pregnant?

From the first moment you know you are pregnant, you will notice the changes that your body will experience. Although these will not be easily visible until after the first few months, you should be aware that you are entering a time when you may not be able to wear some fashion clothes, especially the most tight ones, with which you will have to organize your dressing room, and for this we give you some tips:

Organize your dressing room

The main key to the dress code of a pregnant woman lies in the comfort of the chosen garments, so the first thing you should do is discard the clothes that fit you very tightly. Keep in mind that your belly will grow, to a greater or lesser extent, so once you have examined your dressing room thoroughly and have selected the garments that can serve you, it is time to go shopping.

As at any stage of your life, head shopping is essential But, during pregnancy, this maxim is vital since in many cases these are clothes that you are going to wear temporarily. As you know your body, you already know what trends and styles favor you, in addition to the colors that work best for you, so taking this into account, and as a general rule, opt for basic, loose (or at least not oppress) styles and that adapt well to your forms.

Start inside

One of the first symptoms that certify that you are pregnant is the increase in size and tenderness in the breasts, so surely you will need bras of sizes larger than usual. The most suitable will be the one that suits your shape and is made with natural fabrics. The important thing, as we said, is that it does not oppress you or leave you marks, so it is advisable to choose them without rings and wide straps.

The rule of comfort and natural fabrics is key to underwear

As for the bottom, we also apply the rule of comfort and natural fabrics, such as cotton or microfiber, to avoid possible vaginal infections. You can choose low-waisted panties, to wear under the belly or maternity specials whose high waist is adjusted to the change in volume of your belly.

If you want to wear socks, pantyhose or stockings, you should keep in mind that during pregnancy you are more predisposed to suffer from varicose veins and to retain fluids So, so as not to hinder circulation, make sure they don't squeeze you or get a special selection for pregnant women.

Costumes for day to day

During the first months of pregnancy, you can continue using your usual pants with a simple trick that consists of pass an elastic band through the buttonhole, like the ones you use for hair, to hook it to the button.

But as the pregnancy progresses, there will come a time when you will not be able to use them in this way. From then on, the special leggings for pregnant women (with the wide high waist and elastic perfect to adapt to the growth of your belly) and jeans with built-in elastic and wide waistband (Perfect to wrap your belly without oppressing it) they will become your faithful allies.

As for the top, baggy blouses can be a good option before deciding to buy specific maternity clothes. You can also look in the closet of your boy, father or brother looking for shirts and come up with oversized looks, a trend that has been up for a couple of seasons.

The fabric is preferable to be of the finest material and apply the technique of overlapping garments

If you decide to take a look at the maternity clothes, opt for cotton tops with the seam below the chest and opt for plain garments because they favor the figure more than patterned or striped.

As for the fabric it is preferable that you choose the finest material and apply the garment overlay technique. It is always better to put on and take off clothes to get hot because, for example, you have put on a sweater that is too thick.

Anyway, now that the good weather arrives you have more options to choose from since you can get hold of a whole arsenal of short, midi and long dresses with those that you will feel very comfortable, as long as they don't stick around the waist.

S.O.S. I have a wedding

Spring is the high season of weddings, baptisms and communions but this does not have to be a stylistic headache. If you have a social event, opt for an empire-cut dress or get hold of plain maternity pants, a real lifeguard that will serve you both for your day to day and to dress on more special occasions, and ready to enjoy the event.

Whatever your option and once you have perfectly studied your wardrobe and you have kept the clothes that are going to serve you, you can make these tips yours. In Prénatal they have a wide range of clothes for both you and your future child.

If you become a member of the Prénatal Vip Club you will have a discount of 30% for 12 months in all the fashion of future mom and children from 0 to 8 years, for a registration fee of 20 euros.

In addition, each month you will have a childcare product with a great discount and you will be able to access their Stork Kits (packs with a complete selection of items for both you and your baby at a very advantageous price). If you are interested, discover how to become a member in any of the stores of Prénatal.

See full gallery »Prenatal proposals (4 photos)

Photos | Feketa / MilaSemenova