Elijah Wood talks about pedophiles in Hollywood from his experience as an actor when he arrived as a child at the mecca of cinema

We talk about the childhood of children-actors in the mecca of cinema following the statements of the well-known actor to a media outlet.

Elijah Woods has spoken quite clearly about the existence of pedophiles protected by senior Hollywood officials. It should be the happiest stage of our existence but sometimes, the lights and flashes obscure it more than we imagine.

Elijah Wood began his eight-year career as an actor in Hollywood, where he came from his mother's hand when the rest of his friends continued to go to school or play baseball at the end of class.

At age nine he had already been nominated for several awards and critically acclaimed, is undoubtedly the trajectory of a child prodigy who debuted with a small role in the second installment of "Return to the future".

Today Elijah Wood is known primarily for giving life to Frodo Baggins in the more than box office trilogy of “The Lord of the rings" Directed by Peter Jackson.

But he has jumped back to the front pages of international newspapers not so much for his interpretation this time, but for the statements he has made in the British newspaper "The Sunday Times" where he talked about the existence of pedophiles who protected or covered up different senior positions in the Hollywood industry.

The actor added that in his view everything was organized and that his mother, in the first moments of his arrival in Hollywood, when he started working there, had to protect him from abuse.

His appreciation is that the fabric is even greater than the scandal that was experienced a few years ago when the host of the BBC, Jimmy Savile died in 2011, and only then began to investigate the abuses he made to children.

For Elijah, this type of action could continue to occur in Hollywood because, on the one hand, the innocence of childhood, the lack of knowledge of the most sordid side of Hollywood's reality and the desire to succeed add to the fact that the victims do not have the strength to do listen for public opinion since those who have the power do not allow it, as the young actor commented to “The Sunny Times”.

Playing to be older

From what Elijah Woods has told the press it follows that for many children who spent their childhood in front of a camera it has not been as easy or as fun as it might seem to us, the viewers of their films.

Since Jodie Foster until Drew Barrimore, who could or did reinvent themselves as actresses and also the first director, after a complicated childhood in movie mecca to more complicated stories such as Macaulay Culkin, Lindsay Loghan or Edward Furlong and even some more tragic like that of River phoenix which also began as a child his meteoric career as an actor.

It is true that positive stories are much more numerous perhaps because they have counted, as in the case of Elijah Woods, on the support, advice, company and education of their parents, their mothers or their guardians.

That they play to be older in front of the screen, does not exempt them from being children at any time of their lives outside or inside the celluloid at least as long as childhood lasts than for them, it will surely be too short.

Video: Elijah Wood Says There is a 'Major' Pedophilia Problem in Hollywood (July 2024).