He suspends everything, has autism and his teachers write to congratulate him

Not always the grades of the school show the reality of the child, of the student during the school year, some teachers even point out that they almost never get it.

Ben's case is even clearer in this regard. Ben has autism and failed all exams, all without exception however his professors are very clear about what really matters in him and they wrote him a letter congratulating him on what is really important and his mother couldn't help sharing it on his social networks.

Ben Twist is an 11-year-old boy who was diagnosed with autism when he was five years old. His mother decided to enroll him in an educational center with methodology that respects the behavior patterns, times, rhythms and habits of children and young people with this diagnosis.

Ben has been going to this school since then and this year, when he finished the course, when he received his exam grades, when he saw that he had absolutely suspended all, he could also read an exciting letter addressed to him by all the teachers with whom he had given class during the course.

Of course, not only did Ben read the letter, his mother did too. Gail Twist could not avoid the surprise and excitement of reading the words and feelings that the teachers dedicated to his son.

Yes, I had suspended all subjects but far from reproaching the child anything, They congratulated him on his abilities to make friends, to work in a team and for another series of aspects that, being very important, the exams cannot measure.

Gail felt so grateful and so excited that she wanted to publish the letter on her Twitter account.

In tears A letter to my 11 yr old autistic are from his school. "These tests only measure a little bit of you" pic.twitter.com/e9OPECidxX

- Gail Twist (@gailtwist) July 9, 2016

“Something very important that we want you to understand is that the final exams only measure a little of you and your skills. Of course they are important but you have many other talents ... ”

Great teachers

Understanding the need to support a child, whether or not he has a pathology such as autism, demonstrates that Teachers know what they have in hand: people forming, with their emotional needs to the surface.

It reminds us of other cases of professors that we have already dealt with on this page, such as the Argentine teacher who, after talking with her student and knowing her effort and her personal situation, did an exam to suit her.

Or the Spanish teacher who sent another letter home to each of his students, with whom we were lucky enough to talk to tell us what motivated him to do so.

Or the American teacher who wrote messages of encouragement on the desks of her students before they faced an important exam.

The letter that his professors addressed to Ben continued to list those aspects in which he had worked, in which he had shown talent and in which he had stood out positively beyond what the conventional exams would say:

“Your artistic talent. Your ability to work in a group. Your kindness. Your ability to express your opinions. Your sports skills Your ability to make friends and keep them. Your ability to debate. Your musical ability We are very happy that each and every one of these talents makes you the special person you are. ”

Any child would be happy to receive a letter like this and many of them would have to strengthen their kindness and their ability to make friends and keep them, for example, because they are attitudes and life approaches that are entrenched or abandoned in childhood and then, It is difficult to recover when you are an adult and for that reason they are still tremendously important in the face of your happiness, perhaps even more than the qualifications you have achieved during the school stage.

Video: Mom Records Autistic Son Getting Arrested VIDEO (July 2024).