"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" is presented in the most magical bookstore in the world (and you can have it in less than ten days)

Any Harry Potter fans in front of the screen? Let's recognize it. Some of us have read the books and then we have seen the movies, all, several times and the excuse is that we saw them for the children, right? Yes, it is a literary and cinematographic phenomenon and as our children grow, many of them add to this fever of living the adventures of the wizard child.

In just ten days the last book of the saga, "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" is presented and the place chosen can not be more magical and being more integrated in the history of Potter, the Lello bookstore, in Porto, Portugal is the chosen place. An excuse to make a trip to Porto, which by the way is a beautiful city and the most advisable to tour with our children.

In addition, sure that access to the library will be more time available for fans of the saga and the curious and fond of architecture than it usually is. Only a couple of hours in the morning it is allowed to take photos in the Lello bookstore, after that time it is prohibited and that of leaving without purchase as many curious and fans of Potter do, because it is also not something that the owners of the library as is logical.

The Lello bookstore says that it is the one that was used in the first film of the saga but there is no proof that confirms it as its stairs inspired the Hogwarts stairs, school of magic and sorcery, although yes, what is easily verifiable is that the library is spectacular and very appropriate for magicians and the like.

New book, new adventure

The next July 31, the same J.K. Rowling She will be in charge of presenting her book, the eighth of the saga, in this Portuguese bookstore.

With this appointment on its agenda, the bookstore will open at a special time, just at midnight from July 30 to July 31 so that the fans of the series can acquire this new book, “Harry Potter and the cursed child "

The Lello bookstore will open two hours before the presentation by the author of this new book and there will be as announced both magical potions and characters in the saga and it is expected that some surprise may also be before or during the presentation of the book.

In this eighth book, the action is nineteen years after the end of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" the official end indicated by the author herself who has always maintained that there were only going to be seven books in which it was counted Harry's life. Until now.

To open your mouth

Perhaps the books of "Harry Poter" are for somewhat older children although that will depend a lot on each child and his love of reading. But we leave you some recommendations to continue reading and enjoying in summer:

  • We can open our mouths with some of the best books that we have been talking about on this page, because if there is a time during the year in which reading takes up more of our time, it is on vacation.

  • It is more than advisable that children do not stop reading on vacation, we do not talk about textbooks but of appetizing and interesting reading for them.

  • It is not always about reading the same, the same texts, the most classic books, there are many ways to bring them closer to reading and discover how exciting it can be to discover a great book, it will not be for options, here you have nothing less than 31 books that can be given to children before going on vacation for example or the 17 books that should not be missing on the shelf of your children, neither this holiday nor when they are finished.

  • Summer is a perfect time to read together, for them to read us and to make progress and for us to read them for example: poetry, how much time do you have the rest of the year to read poetry with the little ones in the house?

  • But above all, let's take advantage of them to read stories if they are still small, let's not miss that moment that is so special for them and that we will remember despite the passing of time and if we want to learn the odd trick to make these readings even more exciting , vacations are the best time too.

If you are old enough to read the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends Hermione and Ron, they will be delighted with the new installment in a few days. If they are still small, there are many options to be fond of reading this summer as you have seen.

Photos | iStockphoto
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