The beautiful story of an 8-year-old boy who let his hair grow for 2 years to donate to children with cancer

One of the hardest consequences of cancer, for what it represents at the image level while fighting the disease, is hair loss as a result of some of the treatments. And it is also for children, who see themselves in a way that they do not recognize in other children.

Of this he realized Thomas Moore when he was six years old and found his mother watching a video on Facebook about a girl who had lost her hair because of cancer. At that time he decided that he would do something for the children who lost their hair because of chemotherapy: let your hair grow to donate.

Two years letting it grow

The more hair he had, the more he could help other people, so he let it grow for two years. Two years in which he grew a lot in length; two years in which the hair also acquired an incredible volume.

So the day came when he finally cut it, and the surprise was that he had not got hair for one or two children, but actually for three. With his hair three wigs could be made!

As we read in BoredPanda, his aunt Amber Ray, tremendously proud of his nephew, decided to share the gesture, the patience of being two years with very long hair just for the purpose of cutting it to help others. He posted the photo on Twitter, where he accumulates right now more than 61 thousand retweets and more than 120,000 likes.

No doubt a gesture worthy of being recognized. The happiness of a child in giving, and not in receiving. The ability to realize that it's more enriching to do something for the people who need you Than waiting to receive things we may not even need.

Video: What Happens When You Donate Your Hair? (July 2024).