If you are pregnant, changing the time is just one more reason why you sleep poorly

If you are pregnant, you probably felt that tonight you were specially prepared to change the hour yourself at dawn, because you woke up at two (and at three, at four ...) or because you have not caught your eye, or because perhaps you have been the First to wake up, even at night, and you have not been able to fall asleep again. As well, the time change may affect your sleep, and will do so in the next few days, but it's just one more reason to sleep badly.

And, especially if you are in the third trimester of pregnancy, it seems that everything is conjugated so that you do not rest well: a much smaller bladder will take you to the bathroom several times during the night, the volume of the belly does not It will let you be comfortable in bed, the nerves for the arrival of the baby do not favor sleep ...

As we see, there are many reasons for the pregnant woman not to sleep well, and the change of time, we are sorry, is one more. Because if this modification to summer time affects children, it does so with adults in general and we will need a few days of adaptation.

To do this, to be able to rest better as soon as possible, remember to keep the usual schedules today of food, snack, dinner ... and also time to go to bed. Although we are not likely to feel hungry or sleepy as usual, this adjustment should be made as soon as possible. We recommend how you can make you rest better during this adaptation week and during all months of pregnancy.

Tips for better sleep during pregnancy

These are some recommendations to improve sleep during pregnancy:

  • Get enough physical activity, because if your body works during the day, it will need to regain strength. Do not exercise just before going to sleep. The best exercises during pregnancy (as long as there is no contraindication), are walking, cycling, water and swimming exercises, the Pilates method, yoga, doing a birth preparation exercise chart ...

  • Avoid daytime naps, unless you have found that they do not affect nighttime sleep (although then, you would most likely not be reading these lines).

  • Try to eat a smooth and balanced diet, without too fatty or spicy foods that make digestion difficult. This is especially important at dinner time.

  • Do not dine immediately before bedtime and do it without hurry, chewing the food well.

  • Do not drink too many liquids at dinner, to avoid so many night visits to the bathroom. Throughout the day, yes, you have to be very well hydrated.

  • Do not perform stressful activities before bedtime, do not work and avoid sticking to the mobile screen or computer: you need to relax in a quiet environment, maybe watching TV for a while, reading, relaxing exercises, taking a bath ...

  • Avoid stimulating drinks, carbonated drinks, sugary drinks, coffee ... and of course alcohol and tobacco.

  • Sleep on your side, on the left side and with flexed legs. Remember that lying on your back during the third trimester could be dangerous for the fetus and also intensifies in the mother the risk of backaches, digestive difficulties, constipation or hemorrhoids.

When sleeping on your back, the entire weight of the uterus falls on the back, intestines and lower vena cava, which can be harmful to the mother and the fetus
  • Use pillows or cushions so that your body fits, for example in the back so as not to turn on your back, between your legs ...

  • Wear comfortable, cotton clothes that do not squeeze you.

  • Keep the room at a pleasant temperature, ventilate it often.

  • Use the appropriate bedding to avoid cold or heat and do not cover your head, which lowers oxygen and increases the carbon dioxide we breathe.

  • Share your worries with your partner, your family or write them to clear your mind.

  • Do homemade relaxation exercises and conscious breathing, which will help you sleep.

  • Try to always keep the same schedule to go to bed.

  • If you spend a lot of time in bed without being able to sleep, instead of going around, get up to read a little, watch TV, drink water ... If you have another room ready for you to lie down, do it. Maybe as soon as you leave your bed, you feel more relaxed and your sleep is overcome.

  • Remember, no matter how much it costs you to sleep during pregnancy, you can't use drugs to improve sleep, nor hypnotics for insomnia.

Anyway, we hope that these tips to sleep better in pregnancy help you get it and especially these days, that with the change of time it seems that the organism is altered a little more. A lot of patience and try to adapt as soon as possible to the new schedule, which at least has the advantage that it gives us longer days and better temperatures for walking or exercising.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | In pregnancy, better sleep on the left side, not find the position to sleep during pregnancy (and despair about it), Tips for good posture during pregnancy

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