She went into labor where she least expected it: she gave birth to her baby in mid-flight at 12,000 meters high

Nafi Diaby, a 28-year-old woman, lived a story she will remember for the rest of her life: gave birth to a girl twelve thousand meters high during a trip between Conakry (Guinea) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) of the Turkish Airlines airline.

According to The Guardian, the woman was 28 weeks pregnant, although it seems impossible to see the size of the baby. He began to feel labor pains and immediately knew he was in labor. The hostesses came to assist her along with a doctor who was among the passengers and was able to help the baby be born.

Welcome on board Princess! Applause goes to our cabin crew!

- Turkish Airlines (@TurkishAirlines) April 7, 2017

As there were no airports nearby and seeing that childbirth was imminent, they all helped bring the girl into the world, who received the name of Kadiju.

Once the Boeing 737 landed in the city of Burkina Faso, both were transferred in perfect condition to a city hospital.

#WOW A woman gives birth on Turkish Airlines flight from Conakry to Istanbul with the help of cabin crew. Pics: @anadoluajansi

- Ragıp Soylu (@ragipsoylu) April 7, 2017

How long to travel by pregnant plane?

It is preferable to consult the company policy before traveling by pregnant plane. Generally, airlines do not recommend traveling by plane after 32 weeks of gestation.

After 32 weeks, some airlines may request a medical certificate that specifies the gestation time and authorizes the pregnant woman to travel.

Towards the end of pregnancy after 36 weeks companies may place restrictions when traveling.

What nationality will the baby have?

If it occurs on land, there is no doubt about the child's nationality, but what happens when he is born at forty thousand feet, what nationality will the baby have? The answer is: it depends.

Each country has its own citizenship laws. In some cases, the baby acquires the nationality of the airline based on the fact that the aircraft is the territory of the State in which it is registered.

In others, that of the air territory through which the plane crosses at birth. In the United States, if the baby is born on American waters or territory, he acquires the nationality of the country. This does not apply to Britain, for example, where citizenship is not automatically conferred by land right.

However, these are not the only factors to consider. In most cases, babies acquire the nationality that parents have, regardless of the curiosity of being born in full flight.

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