How to find other moms when you are the only one in your group of friends with children

A couple of days ago I told you the advantages of having a tribe or group of moms to accompany you on this always unexpected path called maternity. But what happens when you are the only one of your friends who is already a mother? Or when you move to another city and don't know any other mom?

It is difficult to make friends when you are an adult, but it is even more difficult when you are already a mother. However, there are several ways to find other moms with whom they can form a beautiful friendship. I share some tips for you to find your group of moms.

Attend childbirth preparation classes

This is an ideal place to start from scratch. What better than to be accompanied since pregnancy? Although I never attended preparatory classes, I have friends who did take them and there they met other moms with whom they continue to maintain a beautiful friendship in which they share the progress and development of their children.

Search your community or city for these types of courses and attend them. Not only will they help you mentalize yourself for childbirth in case you are a first time, you could also find a new friend that is for a lifetime.

Visit parks and squares

A good place to meet and live with other mothers are parks and public squares, especially if your children are not yet of school age. If you attend one for sure you find another mother or family playing with their children. This has many advantages because in addition to enjoying a day outdoors, you do not have to look for where to leave your children or separate from them.

In addition, your children could help you (without them knowing, of course) in the search for new friends. It is very easy and natural for them to make friends in less than five minutes, so you could say that half the way is already done, it would only be your turn to approach the mother of your new friend.

Enroll your child in some class

When he is a baby you can take him to early stimulation classes. If you are a little older, you may like some kind of artistic expression such as dance or painting.

Here the advantages are for both. By enrolling in a course you help him learn to develop skills and adjust to a routine. And on the other hand, you know other moms with a conversation topic ready to break the ice: the lessons of their children.

Use social networks

I have always said that social networks are a great tool for mothers, and on the issue of friends is no exception. Today there are forums and support groups in social networks for all types of maternal interests. Parenting, breastfeeding, porting, education. What you are looking for, you will surely find, and you could even find a group where there are mothers in your community.

If you don't find mothers near you, don't underestimate virtual friendship. Many good tips and emotional support can come from someone who is on the other side of the country or even the world. The best friends I've made as a mother have met them through my blog. They all live far away and we have only met in person a couple of times, but we talked every day and I feel as if I had them nearby.

Your friends without children are good, but you need something else

With all this does not mean that friends without children are not valued or are no longer necessary. But your emotional needs as a woman and mother definitely change. In an ideal world we would all be mothers at the same time, but everyone has their own life plan.

When I became a mother, I was the only one in my group of friends from the university who had already married and had children (in this case, a daughter). One day you realize that they are not in tune, that your interests have changed and Even if you love your friends, you also need to have other support..

To date I am still the only one and by the way I can say that Now I value my friends without childrenWell, I lost some along the way. Although it sounds sad, it is something that happens a lot when we become mothers. Some friendships are broken or lost, but we must understand that sometimes life takes us on different paths.

And although during my first year as a mother I really needed to have a group of mothers by my side, now I have a support network that I can call or send a message to ask you any questions related to my upbringing or to tell you any funny anecdote of my daughter.

Do you have a group of moms you can rely on? How did you meet them?

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Why no recent mother should spend a lot of time alone (or feel lonely), "Where is my tribe?": A little gem about parenting today

Video: - Only for moms - Meet local moms friends - Support group for moms (May 2024).