The fifth was the charm! They had quintuplets after undergoing five fertility treatments

After undergoing four fertility treatments, they decided to try one more time and the fifth was the charm for Briana and Jordan Driskell, a Kentucky couple who just welcomed their five babies (three girls and two boys) born on May 2 with 28 weeks of gestation.

The quintuplets They were conceived through fertility treatment after the couple tried to be parents for two exhausting years. What lies ahead is no less tiring, but it is a sweet reward for your effort: five babies who, although they remain in intensive care

On the fifth attempt ...

They were two exhausting years for the couple fighting against infertility. They underwent four fertility treatments in January, February, March and April 2016, all without success.

In October 2016 they decided to try again. This time with hormonal injections along with the oral medication that Briana had already been taking previously. Injections increase the risk of multiple pregnancy. Specifically, a 20% chance of pregnancy with twins and between a 5-8% chance of pregnancy of triplets or more. But this did not stop his strong desire to be parents.

On October 29 they underwent the last fertility treatment, the fifth. This time she felt different, but she didn't want to get her hopes up, until on November 7 the pregnancy test was positive. A blood test confirmed it. I was finally pregnant.

On December 1 they performed the first ultrasound in which five sacks were seen. Not one, not two, not three, but 5 babies!

"We have five babies, one for every time we try"

A complicated pregnancy

Briana had pregnancy symptoms from scratch. Soon after, she was diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition that occurs in some pregnant women during the first trimester, characterized by the presence of intense and persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that can lead to dehydration.

When he began to recover, he received the news that the cervix began to shorten with the consequent risk of premature delivery, so must have been admitted with 22 weeks of gestation.

Although he intended to arrive at week 30, but due to the complications of the preeclampsia he developed, babies were born by caesarean section with 28 weeks: three girls, Dakota Faith, Zoey Hart, Hollyn Grace, and two boys, Gavin Lane and Asher Blaze.

The smallest was Zoey, who was born with 512 grams, while Hollyn, the oldest, was born with a kilogram and 180 grams. Now all exceed 900 grams.

Babies remain in intensive care and are expected to remain there until the estimated date of delivery.

When they learned that they were waiting for quintuplets and Briana had to be admitted, the Driskells launched a campaign on GoFundMe to raise funds for medical and child support expenses.

A beautiful fight story with a happy ending multiplied by five.

Photos | Driskell Quints (Facebook)
Via | Today
In Babies and more | They decided to go for the third, and five arrived! The most beautiful pictures of quintuplets, Beautiful pictures of a pregnant mother of quintuplets

Video: Red Flags: Fifth Time's the Charm - SourceFed Plays! (July 2024).