The sensual and romantic photo shoot of a couple, in which she learns to love her postpartum body

The changes that our body goes through after pregnancy and childbirth they are usually quite drastic. Seeing how our body left its usual size to make room for the creation of a new life is something that amazes us.

However, after so many changes, our body is not the same again and it is something that makes many women feel insecure. We suddenly find ourselves with a totally transformed body, in which we can even feel that we stop being ourselves.

And that is precisely the reason why a mother who gave birth to three children in just one year, He decided to participate in a sensual photo shoot as a couple, in order to feel comfortable with his body and learn to love every part of him.

Looking for the ideal partner

It all started when the photographer Trina Cary published an ad in which she was looking for a couple who posed for an intimate and sensual outdoor photo session that she wanted to do. Among all the people who answered the ad, she chose Melanie Varney and her husband Gabby Mason.

The purpose of the photo session was celebrate the love of the couple, as well as the woman's body and empower her, showing that all bodies are beautiful, stretch marks and all inclusive.

The story of Melanie and Gabby

The reason why Melanie and her husband Gabby were chosen by Trina, is because of the story they have together as a couple. In just one year, they had suddenly become parents of three children: his first son was born on March 11, 2013 and exactly 364 days later, a pair of twins arrived on March 10, 2014.

Melanie had given birth twice in a 12 month period, which caused her body to undergo major changes in a short time, leaving her feeling insecure and like a stranger inside that body she now had. On the Trina website blog she shared her feeling:

"It's hard to adapt and fall in love with your new you. Every mom knows that the difficulties are worth it for the end result. But it's still difficult. You don't have much time to think about the way you look most days, but sometimes, you can see a little of your body and you hardly recognize the reflection that looks at you back. It was not until a year after the postpartum, when I finally released it and began to celebrate the journey that had passed my Not once did Gabby make me feel insecure about how he looked at me He still thought he looked just as beautiful as the day we met He was time for me to think the same about myself and give him an example to my girls. "

The photo session

For the photo session, Mel and Gabby agreed to pose at different intimate moments, some images are similar to any couple photo session, but It is the sensual photographs that undoubtedly became what made this session so unique and special.

During the session, they gradually stripped off their clothes, to finally show their naked bodies. In an interview for Huffington Post Trina commented that I had been inspired by nudity, because it is raw, vulnerable and empowering: "I want to teach men and women how to feel safe again. You don't need to be perfect in every aspect to be beautiful, you just need to appropriate your imperfections and accept your differences."

For Melanie, participating in the photo shoot was like taking off a mask and seeing what was really there, and the understanding that new acceptance mentality about how your body looked was not easy, but in the end, she felt empowered.

"I wanted to capture the way he looks at her and thinks that she is still as beautiful as the day he met her"says the photographer."He also wanted to highlight the acceptance she had now towards her body, with all stretch marks, excess skin and wrinkles. She is beautiful and finally feels that way again, and is proud to share it with everyone else."

The photo session had different reactions, on the one hand there were those who were moved by what the images and the love they projected between the couple represented. There were some people who considered the photographs as vulgar, but personally, it seems to me that It is a beautiful way to celebrate and admire the changes that women go through after having children.

Photos | Trina Cary (reproduced with permission)
Via | Huffington Post
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