Five keys to help your children take care of their teeth

According to a study carried out by the Colgate company, between 60% and 90% of school children Worldwide he suffers from cavities, a disease of bacterial origin that damages not only the tooth, but also the gum.

Brush your teeth correctly and to carry out a series of measures and healthy habits of hygiene and feeding are key to prevent oral problems. But how can we help children learn to keep their teeth clean and healthy?

Daily tooth brushing: one more habit in children's lives

Habits are part of the adaptation of the human being to their environment, and parents must begin to instill from children certain habits that they will gradually assume and make their own without needing to remind them.

Between these daily habits The correct tooth brushing should be at least twice a day, from the eruption of the first teeth. While the children are young, the parents will proceed to their oral hygiene but it is important that they soon acquire the habits and knowledge to do it alone.

According to the study "Guidelines for Oral Health in the first years of life" published by the Spanish Society of Pediatric Dentistry, proper oral hygiene would go through:

  • 1) Early oral hygiene from the exit of the first teeth which should include at least two brushes daily, the most important being before bedtime.

  • 2) Use of toothbrushes according to the child's age, with soft bristles and rounded tips, size compatible with its mouthpiece and thick handle so they can handle it without difficulty.

  • 3) In addition, the use of floss It is essential to complete the oral cleaning when the dentition is completed and the molars and teeth come into contact. Only in this way will we achieve total hygiene when we floss the areas where the brush alone does not reach.

  • 4) The use of fluoridated toothpaste It is essential to carry out proper daily dental hygiene, but always taking into account the child's age. And it is not worth using the same toothpaste for everyone, because although fluoride is essential to prevent tooth decay, there is a risk of dental fluorosis in young children who have not learned to spit, so In less than two years brushing with water is recommended.

  • 5) Visit to the pediatric dentist after the eruption of the first milk teeth or, failing that, during the first year of the baby's life. In this way, the specialist can detect any problem early (such as the dreaded bottle caries, for example) and help establish correct habits of daily oral hygiene.

Teaching and adult supervision is key

No child is born knowing what the example at home is fundamental so that, from a very young age, they begin to internalize these hygiene habits. But not only is it enough to imitate father or mother, but it is the adult's job to inform the child, teach him to do it correctly and supervise his daily brushing.

And to help parents in their task of teaching children correct measures of oral health and hygiene, the company Colgate-Palmolive has launched the ninth edition of its program "Bright Smiles, Bright Futures", which aims to reach 150,000 Spanish schoolchildren between six and ten years.

Through this program, Colgate seeks to facilitate teachers, children and families the pedagogical and playful tools necessary to make oral hygiene a daily habit that helps prevent tooth decay and dental plaque.

Through the website of this program, parents and teachers can download fun multimedia materials, educational posters to hang in the bathroom, for example, or information of interest to maintain proper oral health among children.

Likewise, the importance of regular visits to the dentist, monitoring food and limiting the consumption of sweets and goodies and brushing and rinsing with fluoride is emphasized.

There is no doubt that the information is key but if in addition to learning they do it playing or with tools appropriate to their age, the task of brushing their teeth daily will be much more fun.
  • In Babies and More How children should brush their teeth, Toothpaste for young children, do you have to carry fluoride ?, Seven tips to avoid tooth decay, Ten facts about tooth decay and how to prevent them in children, Eight tips for healthy teeth in children