The baby car that has revolutionized the market: heats bottles, incorporates heating and recharges the mobile

At first glance the baby car shown in the photo may look like any other, but the truth is that this model, baptized as "Heetee Mayfair", is much more than just a cart. Heats the bottle, allows the mobile or tablet to be recharged and keeps the baby warm with its heated seat.

This new car, designed by Valencian engineer Samuel García, has been recently awarded at the Kind + Jugend Fair from Cologne (Germany), one of the most important childcare fairs in the world. The award obtained distinguishes him as the most innovative product in the category of baby strollers, and that is that his benefits have left us speechless.

The operation of this baby carriage is simple but at the same time innovative, which has earned him the “Innovation Award” in the “World of Moving Kids” category of the Kind + Jugend 2017 fair in Cologne.

When the adult pushes the car, its movement promotes charging a set of lithium ion batteries integrated into the chassis, which electrically feeds the stroller, allowing us to recharge the mobile or heat the seat or bottle.

According to its creators, Heetee Mayfair provides "clean, safe and sustainable energy, integrated into an absolutely innovative design that reduces environmental impact and provides an index of autonomy for parents never seen before".

Heated seat

Its designer, Samuel García, came up with the idea of ​​making a stroller with a heated seat when traveling to United Kingdom and checked the low temperatures that babies had to suffer when they walked in their carts.

So he decided to incorporate a new system of heated fabrics both in the carrycot and in the chair, whose temperature can be regulated by parents to offer the baby a warm and comfortable cabin despite the cold outside.

Bottle warmers

On the other hand, the cart has a socket at the bottom whose heating system allows heat the bottle and keep it at the temperature desired for as long as desired. It is certainly a great idea because, how many times have we had to look for a bar or cafeteria where we will heat the water to be able to bottle our baby?

Recharge your mobile and tablet

And if this were not enough, the electric power generator system of the cart also offers the possibility of recharge your mobile, tablet or any other device With USB port.

The chassis

The design of the chassis is also novel, since it has a specially studied center of gravity that allows maneuvering the stroller with one hand in any situation, offering a stability index 60% higher than required according to the regulations. It also incorporates a anti-roll system and a suspension system which make it more comfortable and comfortable for the baby.

The British company Heetee Baby Company plans to start marketing this cart during the first quarter of 2018.

  • Via The World

Video: test (July 2024).