With respect and tolerance: seven keys to discuss politics with our children

Children are sponges, and although at any given time we can think that they are not aware of the news that comes on television or the conversations of adults, the truth is that they are. They capture information from here and there, and their little heads they try to process ideas which, sometimes, can be complex for their age.

As a result of the political situation that we are currently experiencing, several friends have committed to me that their children have raised questions and doubts about it. Many doubt what they should answer, and even if they should get into this topic. Should we talk about politics with the children? When and how should we do it? Should we convey our political ideologies or inform them from objectivity? The debate is served.

Inform or indoctrinate?

Sometimes, politics can be a complex and even conflicting issue at the time of debate. During these days, the situation we are living in our country is being very difficult and the children are no strangers to it.

To the images and comments they hear through the media, the opinions of the adults around them and that sometimes they are loaded with hate, anger and even insults. Verbal feelings and manifestationsCertainly not appropriate for a child.

Some families talk openly about politics in front of their children, and even they instill their ideas from childhood, and before this type of messages and, above all, in the way of transmitting them, it is worth asking:

  • Where is the boundary between political information and indoctrination?

  • Should we talk to our children about our ideology and even instill it from childhood?

  • Should we take our children to political demonstrations or make them share in our feelings after the results obtained in an election?

When a child asks we must always answer their questions, taking into account our message and adapting the content to your age, understanding and curiosity.

Experts advise that if we talk about politics with them, we always do it from respect and tolerance towards the different positions, in addition to helping them foster their critical thinking.

Keys to discuss politics with our children

We must take great care of what we say in front of our children, although there is no reason to avoid talking about politics, since it is part of society and the life of all citizens.

It is important that Children understand what it means to live in democracy, what impact do the decisions made in the Congress of Deputies and the Senate have, and how the laws passed can affect our lives.

In addition, it is good that they know what does voting mean and how citizens should be consistent with the responsibility we have when choosing our rulers exercising our rights and obligations at the polls.

But, in the face of conflicting or controversial political issues, How do children talk about it when they ask us?. Psychologists and experts advise following the following guidelines:

  • 1) Always speak from respect and omit words that incite racism or contempt for other citizens or groups.

  • 2) Do not instill division or intolerance, nor generate in them negative or hostile feelings towards other people or groups by the simple fact of giving a different opinion.

  • 3) Always use a positive language, loaded with words that convey the values ​​related to the democracy, respect, peace, coexistence and tolerance.

  • 4) Do not use words that denote contempt, hostility, intolerance or anger.

  • 5) Inform the children about the different political alternatives that exist, and instill in them that just as racial or cultural diversity exists, political diversity enriches the society in which we live.

  • 6) Do not polarize, skew or radicalize our message Although as adults we have decided to think that way, children should have freedom of thought.

  • 7) Help them in understanding, exposing the ideas with simplicity and clarity, avoiding giving excessive details and terminology not suitable for their age.

In short, we must convey to children the importance of respecting the messages and ideologies of those who think differently, bet on dialogue, and consider that there are other cultures, languages, religious practices and thoughts different from ours but equally respectable.

And if we carry out this premise, we will be giving our children the possibility to learn by example and to grow in freedom. In addition, we will encourage the development of their critical thinking and we will be educating them in positive and necessary values ​​to live in society.

Remember that today's children will be the adults of tomorrow, so it is very important that they grow up in an environment of respect, plurality of ideas and tolerance.
  • IStock photos

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Video: POLITICAL THEORY - John Locke (July 2024).