The pediatrician, a key figure to detect psychological disorders in childhood and adolescence

In recent years, the pediatrician It has become a fundamental figure to detect complex situations in minors, such as child abuse, bullying, high intellectual abilities or certain psychiatric pathologies.

its closeness, trust and knowledge of the child and his family they turn pediatricians into the right professionals to diagnose these types of situations early, orient families and establish the appropriate treatment.

Main child psychiatric disorders

The attention in Primary Care Pediatrics consultations is increasingly complex due to the great diversity of scenarios and pathologies that pediatricians should treat in health centers.

Among the approach to these situations would be child psychiatric disorders, which are so important to diagnose early.

According to Dr. Sánchez Mascaraque, a psychiatrist at the Children's Hospital Jesus and the Jaime Vera Health Center of Coslada (both in Madrid), hyperactivity (ADHD), anxiety and depression would be the main psychiatric pathologies during childhood. In adolescence we would also add eating disorders.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is being increasingly diagnosed among the child population. According to the Spanish Federation of Associations for Assistance to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that estimates that 2% to 5% of children suffer, although it is not always easy to diagnose.

Among the symptoms caused by this disorder is poor school performance in relation to the child's abilities, impulsive and hyperactive character, and lack of attention and concentration on homework.


Anxiety is a disorder that is frequently linked to depression and stress, and although it is a normal emotion when faced with the perception of a danger or threat, when becomes especially unhealthy or chronic can affect the day to day of the child.

In the case of infants or young children, anxiety can occur in the form of separation distress, which is the feeling that the child develops when his attachment figure disappears from his sight, or from habitual fears such as those caused by the presence of strangers, darkness or monsters.

As they grow, certain situations or routine changes can also cause anxiety But when the symptoms they cause interfere in their development or in the relationship with the environment, the child is likely to need professional help.


Unfortunately, the children are not excluded from suffering from depression, a type of mental disorder whose numbers increase alarmingly according to the latest WHO data.

Some changes and challenges in daily life, as well as traumatic experiences can lead children to plunge into a depressive state, whose most visible symptoms would be sadness, loss of interest in daily activities, irritability and changes in life. appetite or sleep

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, have been affecting Spanish teenagers for a long time, especially girls, although there are also cases of girls with this type of problem that have not yet reached puberty.

Eating disorders constitute health problems with important repercussions on the biological, psychological, social and family development of children and adolescents who suffer from them.

The importance of early detection

Pediatricians and primary care nurses work with children and their families since birth, and this degree of knowledge and confidence they reach with patients, make them the ideal people to detect, in their early stages, mental health problems in children and adolescents.

And is that diagnose any of these disorders early is essential to put the proper treatment and prevent them from evolving to more serious problems. In some cases the treatment would involve the use of psychotropic drugs (for example, to treat ADHD), antidepressants and neuroleptics.

But it is important that pharmacological treatment is always accompanied by psychosocial interventions, which according to Dr. Mascaraque are not only fundamental, "but even more effective than psychopharmacological interventions."

The role of the pediatrician in prevention

In addition to diagnosing, Pediatricians are an excellent support and reliable source of information for families. Not surprisingly, many of the consultations they receive are based on doubts about aspects related to parenting, sleep, education or behavior development.

That is why it is important to cultivate a good relationship with our pediatrician and nurse from the beginning, based on mutual trust and respect. And is that the joint work between parents and pediatricians It is essential both to prevent, and to give the alarm to any piscological disorder.

  • Via Medical Gazette

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