The five-week extension of the paternity leave is approved

With the approval yesterday of the 2018 General State Budget, the green light has been given to the increase in one week of parental leave, which passes four to five weeks.

This is the Mariano Rajoy investiture agreement reached by PP and Citizens in which an initial increase was requested for 2017 so that parents had a four-week leave due to the birth of a child. This period should be extended at the rate of one week per year, so now this permission arrives at five weeks.

A delay of five months

The five-week extension of the paternity leave had to have entered into force on January 1, 2018, as included in the agreement with Citizens. However, it has had to wait for the approval of the General State Budgets. Now the government will have to announce when it will take effect.

Among the amendments to the PGE agreed with the other political parties is one of United We can benefit the officials: they can use their five weeks in the way they consider best. In this way, the restriction is eliminated by which it was imposed that these days of leave had to be taken simultaneously to those of the mother.

Match the permits

All the steps taken in conciliation are well received, but the debate about whether maternity and paternity leave are sufficient is still open despite the improvement of the latter (it has gone from two days in 2007 to the current five weeks).

In fact, the demand for equalization between maternity and paternity leave has already reached the Constitutional Court, which will study if it is discriminatory that the parents enjoy four weeks (now five) in front of the 16 of the mothers.

The extension of the paternity leave to five weeks, good news from which new parents will soon be able to benefit, while we continue to demand more measures to combine professional and family life.

In Babies and more Paternity leave of five weeks and a thousand euros aids for childcare, one step closer, Frozen the paternity leave extension from four to five weeks for parents of babies born in 2018