
It is a gastrointestinal infection caused by salmonella bacteria, very common in infants and children and that spreads rapidly in hot weather.

It reaches our body through the consumption of water or contaminated food of animal origin such as red meat, poultry, eggs and unpasteurized milk (and its derivatives), although it can also be given when ingesting vegetables or fruits. Another route of contagion is direct contact with trash or sick pets.

Salmonellosis It is the disease of the summer, because it multiplies at high speed when the temperature exceeds 30 °, but it is destroyed at high temperatures, so the bacteria disappears when cooking food. Although you could also be subsequently infected by contact with knives, surfaces, raw food or infected hands. The symptoms of gastrointestinal salmonellosis They are vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headache and high fever. It lasts between 4 and 7 days and in most cases it does not require treatment, unless complications such as dehydration arise, so give the sick child a lot of liquid.

To prevent it, it is important to wash your hands frequently, especially before eating or cooking, wash fruits and vegetables very well, consume well-cooked animal foods, wash kitchen utensils that are in contact with raw foods. Do not store even open containers of dairy products in very hot times in the fridge. Keep food always refrigerated and if you have pets, extreme cleanliness of their rooms.

Video: Infectious Diseases A-Z: Salmonella safety (July 2024).