Dad can also help during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a precious moment in the life of a couple, which must be lived with love and harmony to strengthen family emotional bonds. The father can also participate in the breastfeeding process.

Here are some tips that dad can follow to make breastfeeding a success:

  • Stimulate and encourage your woman to breastfeed: Sometimes the woman will feel insecure about her ability to breastfeed. Your support will be essential right now. Dad is the person who knows his tastes, his desires, his worries ...

  • Whenever possible, participate when breastfeeding. Your presence, caresses and touches during the act of breastfeeding are important factors for the reaffirmation of the emotional bond of the mother-father-son trinomial.

  • Be patient and understanding. In the period of breastfeeding it is unlikely that your wife can develop daily activities with constancy. The needs of the newborn are the priorities in this phase. Your collaboration at home is essential.

  • Cooperate with the baby's tasks: changing diapers, helping in the bathroom, dressing him. When she is breastfeeding bring her a fruit juice or water, she will thank you.

  • Stay calm Breastfeeding brings many joys, also difficulties and fatigue. Sometimes the woman may be impatient. Be understanding and caring at that time. Avoid unnecessary discussions that can harm psychologically and affect milk production.

  • If you have more children, take care of them so they don't feel left behind with the arrival of the new brother. This will allow the mother to devote more time to the newborn.

  • Keep up the habit of stroking your wife's breasts if you usually do. Studies show that when a woman is sensitive to the partner's caresses, she will more synchronize with the baby's requirements.

  • Watch for variations in your partner's sexual appetite. Sexual desire in this period undergoes alterations considered normal. Be understanding This is a time for the couple to experience other sexual experiences and habits adapting them to the moment.

  • Do not bring home milk, bottles ... The success of the period of breastfeeding depends, in large part, on your attitude. Exclusive breastfeeding up to six months and love and support is all your baby needs to grow smart and healthy.

Video: Breastfeeding with the Thompson Method (July 2024).