Inguinal hernia

Most of these types of hernias are congenital and their cause is a failure of the closure of the vaginal process or peritoneovaginal duct. This type of hernia can be suffered by both the boy and the girl, its correction is through a pediatric operation, one of the most frequent after tonsillectomy (angina).

These types of hernias are usually diagnosed to babies between birth and the first months of life and detecting it is easy, since a lump appears in one or both inguinal regions (the English). Depending on the child, this type of hernia can affect him very painfully or on the contrary, not hurt anything.

The baby may present in addition to the lump in the groin, vomiting and the color of the skin in the area may change due to the compression that this hernia is suffering. If you detect in your baby a lump in the English zone, it is best to go to the pediatrician as soon as possible, since this type of hernias can be harmful to the baby. The specialists will plan the intervention of this hernia, but until then, they will advise you how to put this lump inwards. For this, the child is usually spoken peacefully to calm down and the words are accompanied with caresses and gently pressing the bulge inward, but this will be explained in more detail by the specialist.

We should not do it without the instructions of the pediatrician, since it could be the case that this hernia was strangled and we could injure the baby, these types of hernias are usually operated urgently. Inguinal hernia affects up to 4% of the child population and can appear in either English.

The well-being of the baby is essential, for this reason pediatric check-ups must be strictly followed to avoid possible problems.

Video: What is Inguinal Hernia? Q&A (July 2024).