Guide for a good infant feeding

There is much talk about the danger of poor diet in childhood, but parents need clear guidelines and advice to help us avoid it.

I have found by chance on the website of the Ministry of Health and Consumption very good recommendations of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition to prevent obesity and overweight and maintain a good nutritional status in childhood.

These are:

  1. Unlike what our grandmothers believed, an obese child is not synonymous with a healthy child, since you can be fat and poorly fed.

  2. During the first months of life (0-6 months) breast milk on demand is the ideal food for the child, since it provides in sufficient quantities, all the necessary nutrients.

  3. Teach your child good eating habits from the moment he incorporates new foods:

    • Offer varied foods and each of them repeatedly.
    • Do not overfeed the baby.
    • Do not add honey or sugar to your bottles and fruits.
    • Do not add salt to your food. If it does, let it be iodized salt.
  4. In the preschool and school stage:

    • Adapt your schedule to family food.
    • Avoid "pecking" between meals, especially when it comes to foods rich in sugars and fats (sweets, pastries, chips).
    • Avoid giving or denying certain foods as a reward or punishment.
    • Get used to water as a drink, instead of artificial juices and sweet sodas.
    • Provide a varied diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
    • Encourage regular physical exercise.
    • Limit the time the child spends in front of the TV to less than two hours a day.
    • Avoid taking you to fast food places.
    • After five years, select semi-skimmed dairy products, as they contain the same nutrients and less fat of poor quality.
    • From the first day of class, get your child used to having a good breakfast.
  5. Use good cooking techniques for the whole family:

    • Cook with low fat and avoid frying.
    • Always choose meat that has no visible fat.
  6. Teach your children to eat slowly and without distractions (TV, video games, etc.)

  7. The whole family must be involved in the practice of good eating habits and in the treatment of the obese child, since this is the natural framework for any learning.

  8. Teach your child to eat in moderation and variety: a little of each thing and not much of one.

Video: Proper Feeding Techniques for Babies (July 2024).