Take out a tooth of milk when it moves

As a general rule, baby teeth they must fall alone, since the pressure exerted by the new tooth is what makes the milk tooth fall. When a tooth is practically loose, about to fall, and even bothers for the child to eat or speak properly, it is when it can be easily removed only by hand.

From the age of six it is when the baby teeth begin to fall starting with the central lower incisors and so on until 12 years until the renovation of all the dental pieces. Although there are cases in which you can start prematurely, at 4 years or quite the opposite, at 8 years. From the moment the tooth begins to move until its total detachment, some months may pass. The techniques used in the past through popular knowledge with the typical string, is usually not suitable, since the tooth can still be quite anchored and can harm the child and even cause a wound that can be infected. In addition to the terror that can be given to the child before such ceremony. It is better that when it is well loose, it is the child who removes it, because he will feel if it still hurts or not.

As a general rule, it is the dentist who must assess whether to extract it or let it follow the course of nature. The majority of milk teeth, up to 99%, usually fall alone, the remaining one percent are those milk teeth that, even if the new one does not fall, then that is when you have to go to the dentist.

Then our little mouse Perez will appear, who will exchange the tooth for some small gift, this tradition has a very logical basis, it is to calm the possible trauma or pain that can lead to the loss of the tooth to the child.

Video: What should one do if adult permanent tooth is coming behind milk teeth? - Dr. Raju Srinivas (May 2024).